The religious mind says: Shut up, let us be. Who told you it is a different Jesus? As far as we call him “Lord” and sing to him “Lord, Lord”, he will bless us on earth and let us enter Heaven. After all, we “love” him that’s why we sing with our hearts (aka emotions) to him and we confess him with our mouths (aka our mouth confession).

Okay. But do you know Him? Do you even want to know Him? Do you read the Bible to know what He likes, what He wants, what He says you should do? 

Or you’re only concerned about what He will do for you? Is He your Lord, meaning, you submit to His commands and instructions, and that you are living to please Him in the practical aspects of your life and even in how you relate with others? 

Beyond obvious sin, is your heart being purged of selfishness, greed, deceit, pride, envy, bitterness, strife, competition and self-love (aka self-worship).

Are you being genuinely, deeply and progressively transformed to the image and likeness of Christ in love for God and for people. 

Is this change or growth producing the fruit of, deep contrition or brokenness over sin, repentance, humility, honesty, integrity, sincerity of purpose in actions or purity of heart motives, genuineness, gentleness, joy, service to others, forgiveness, graciousness, mercy, peace, tender-heartedness, faithfulness, righteousness, justice, trustworthiness, truthfulness, holiness, obedience, generosity, willingness to help, self-denial, self-effacing, modesty, patience, understanding, temperance, discernment, compassion, gratitude, thankfulness, encouragement, contentment, teachability, eagerness to learn, continuous growth in grace and revelation knowledge of Christ, love for truth, fear of God, honor for God and pleasure to God. 

God's people produce these great traits increasingly. 

This is True Blessedness.

Grace be to you.

Praise be to God.





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