I forgive you..

Don't fear me...

But fear the Ultimate Avenger!


Just because I forgive does not mean people can do me intentional wrong and go scout free. 

Pitiful jokers... No, there's no vacuum in life.

So what part of "Vengeance is Mine, says the LORD, I will repay" do they not understand?

Please don't fear me. We are all sinful men.

But fear God. Are you listening?

Again I say, FEAR GOD. 

He is no respecter of men's persons.

He only has respect for His principles. 


That's why no matter who you are, pauper or prince, prophetess or prostitute, old or young, colored or Caucasian...

If you sow apple seeds, then apple fruits shall you shall reap.

Apples. Not pineapples. It's that precise.

If you jump from a height without a flying or landing device, gravity will take care of your physical mass (body) without hesitation or reservation.

If you don't fear the Almighty but you fear human beings who don't forgive or who are wicked, will you call yourself wise or foolish?

How can you fear mortal men who will all die yet you disregard and disobey the commands of the Lord God Almighty? Are you thinking?

I mean, God the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

The Invisible and Infinite Source and Sustainer of life and every living thing, all that has life. 

The Matchless, Ageless, Timeless, Spaceless yet Great and Gigantic, Unseen and Ultimate Spirit who created and formed the fly, the ant, the bug, the whale, the elephant, the snake, the crocodile, the dove, the rat, the butterfly, the flower, the grass, the tree, the mountain, the hill, the underground mineral, the air we breathe, the baby, the gray hair, the bones, the tongue, the intestine, the mouth, the anus, the ear, the hearing, the throat, the voice, the eye, the sight, the vein, the blood, the heart, the internal organ, the sperm, the ovary, the foetus, the cell, the microbe, the atom, the Sun, the Moon, the Star, the Sky, the Ocean, the Rain, the Earth, the Wind, the Fire, and the thing called Water, the Angel, the Heavenlies, yes all the visible and invisible creation with their distinctive life forms.

Who made the Everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. 

Who also made the Eternal Lake of Fire.

This Sovereign God. 

You think He's your backyard buddy?


His greatest commandments are two-fold:

One, "love God with your heart, soul, and mind."

Two, "love your neighbour as yourself."

You despise His word? That's pathetic.

You ignore His truth? That's tragic.

You mean, you do not fear God? Ahhhh!!!

You no fear God but you fear an 'homo sapien' who was created by this God and who is slowly walking towards the grave, a transient entity?

That is spiritual and eternal madness, which is far worse than any physical or mental illness.


The Almighty Creator has, in the latter days of this world, revealed His Grace and Truth in the Great God and Savior Jesus Christ the Lord.

Christ taught "love your enemies" but some preachers teach "kill your enemies". 

And you still need a prophet to tell you that teaching is antithetical to Christ's teachings?

You need a soothsayer to point out to you who is a teacher of Truth and who is a teacher of Falsehood? You don't fear God. 

You don't love God. You don't know God.

Tell yourself the truth. It will greatly help you.

Like I said in the previous post, you may be your own enemy by your own attitudes and actions.

Those who lie to you and seek to deceive you do not love you, regardless of their sweet talk, eye service, sycophany, hypocrisy and flattery. 

Those who tell you the truth are the ones who love you, that is, they mean well for you, they wish you well and seek your ultimate good or wellbeing, especially those who share God's truth that leads us to eternal life and glory.

But those who teach you things that are clearly anti-Christ (against or contrary to Christ's spirit and Christ's truth) are your very worst enemies. 

False teachers are your eternal foes and woes.


One last word on that enemy treatment thing:

If you're praying for your enemies to die, make sure you are not someone else's enemy.

Make sure you yourself are not dealing badly and unjustly with anyone, or defrauding anyone or doing any kind of wrong deed to anyone.

For the true God is a God of justice.

And according to His word which cannot be broken: "the very same measure and judgment you used for others shall be used for you too."

His word states: "Your neighbour as yourself."

Except you are worshipping a false god. 

Then you should also know the end of those who worship false gods, which are no gods.

Let him that has ear hear and understand what has been communicated in this salient post.

We are not here to play silly little games or to gain popularity with people of this passing world.

We have been severely shaken to our roots.

We have been brutally tested and tried.

We have lost very many material things.

We have even almost lost our minds.


To Him be the glory!


We are here to bear witness to the Truth. 

This is our purpose. And thus we do.

God helping us. God holding us.

To God be the honor and praise!

We are nothing. He is everything.

"Fear God and keep His commandments."

That's the conclusion of the matter.

God is a God of Truth and Justice.

He is a God of Perfect Righteousness. 

Fear God and you shall fear no man.

"Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let’s show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:28-29)





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