Except the Lord builds, they build in vain...

Except the Lord saves, they save in vain...

Except the Lord births, their religion is void.

Eternal Salvation is THE gift of God. 

The gift of all gifts from the Savior of souls.

Resurrection unto Life is in Christ. 

Purchased and covenanted by His Blood.

That fallen, damned souls shall be saved.

That dead men shall have Everlasting Life.

That sinners are justified to be saints.

And the justified, glorified in God's Kingdom.

Those who have received this incredible gift...

Will be eternally grateful for this Grace.

For surely not everyone shall be saved. 

Matter of fact, narrow is the gate.

Difficult is the way that leads to life.

Few find it. Yes, very few enter in.

Don't be surprised at the herd iniquity. 

Or mass and commonplace wickedness. 

When you see people toy with eternity...

When you see them 'play smart' on God...

Weep for them, be moved with compassion.

Don't be angry for they can't help themselves.

Though your soul is vexed by their venom.

And your heart is in sorrow for their vanity.

In the end, if you see their endless plight...

You will beg God to forgive them.

Like Christ did, like Stephen did.

You will see them woefully damned.

They will weep and wail without relief. 

They will curse God as a wicked Judge.

There will be weepng and gnashing of teeth.

But now they seem to be the coolest cats.

Look beyond the grave; behold eternity...

They are Hell-bound slaves of destruction. 

Hopeless captives of eternal punishment.

Deceived, they know not what they do.

Pity such eternally damned souls. 

Truly I say: It will be terrible for such. 

Just pray for mercy. Just plead, just try...

We don't know who; we can't tell who.

Maybe a few can still be snatched from fire.

Maybe a few can be saved from damnation. 

When you see hearts hardened, just pray...

And remember Pharaoh and the Egyptians.

Who the Lord hardens, is hardened unto hell.

Save your own selves from this rotten race. 

For the LORD is not a man to lie or err.

(Who has known the LORD? Who, I ask?)

But the script has been written.

The Elect are by foreknowledge. 

The stage has been set.

The die has been cast.

He has gotten the ball rolling. 

Just a little while now.

As in the days of Noah...

The KING is coming!

A witness.





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