Truth is life…

Just as there is the true Christ and false Christs.

Just as there is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and false gospels of earthly glory or doctrines of devils.

There is also the true Church (Body of Christ) and false churches (man’s religious systems).

Similarly, there is true unity in the Spirit between genuine believers who have spiritual life versus false unity mechanically set up in the flesh by religious men as a ‘unifying’ system. 

Every biblical principle has a counterfeit version.

Including the core Doctrines God’s Free Grace, Salvation, Justification and Glorification.

The Gospel has been, and is being, manipulated for selfish purposes by the two dangerous religious extremes: legalism and libertism.

Legalism refers to false salvation based on human works of any kind.

Libertism refers to false grace that justifies and accommodates sinful conduct.

Scriptural truth is being twisted and distorted.

Don’t be alarmed. Rather be alert.

A major sign of the last days is prevalent falsehood and massive deception.

Mark these words: Many will be misled.

There’s a reason and purpose for this resounding emphasis on TRUTH.

(We’re not fools making noise and even if you think we are, let it to be so for now. We won’t always be here. You won’t always have this ‘noise’. It’s for a time. This time. It’s for a purpose. Is there not a cause? Suffer it to be so, not that all must be saved but for a witness to all that it was said. Everyone had their chance. Everyone made their choice. That’s it.)

Christ wasn’t joking when He said this:

“For false christs and false prophets will arise and will provide great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance.” (Matt 24:24-25)





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