As children of God, we should never toy with sin for any reason. There is no excuse valid enough to cause believers in Christ to turn astray from the path of righteousness into the paths of unrighteousness. 

Furthermore, we must be particularly watchful of the "little foxes that spoil the vine". Those careless moments of idle talk, little lies, dirty jokes, provocative entertainment, unwholesome company and private folly where one lets down their guard and unknowingly permits sin to gradually creep into their soul. 

Strangely, we begin to tolerate, excuse, rationalise and even justify the foolish practice of intermittent sin. We confess to God, ask for forgiveness but never consecrate and repent fully thus shutting the door to sin and cutting off from every form of evil affiliation. 

Eventually, a careless pattern of sinful behavior is slowly developed that may lead one further downhill into unwanted, unforeseen and hugely regrettable bondage or addiction of sorts. 

At that point, you can no longer recognise yourself as a child of God. You swim in a pool of sin with a party of sinners. You are in spiritual trouble. A lost sheep. 

Enters the Good Shepherd.

God acts swiftly to salvage His sheep. He never forsakes His own. By way of intervention, He may stir up trouble in the camps. He may allow you to lose some things and some people. God may allow sinners and enemies to taunt and test His own. He may permit a messenger of Satan to afflict His own for a season. Foes may rejoice at their seeming victory. 

But afflictions should cause us to run back to our Shepherd. To cry out to God our Savior for His mercy, help and deliverance. They will also open our eyes to our utter wretchedness and total depravity. We will hate sin with a whole new dimension of hatred. We will detest iniquity and cut off from sinful companions. 

From the depths of our hearts will resound this glorious quit notice to harbingers of unrighteousness, same words they will hear from the Lord on the last day (if they don't repent): DEPART FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY!

To God the Great Savior of sinners be the glory!





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