If as an adult, you think you’re wrong and a child is right, do swallow your pride and call them over. 

Sit down and discuss with them and you may learn something from them with your dignity still intact. 

The wisdom that always wins is not always wild nor is it always about being a bully and lording it over smaller people even when you are obviously wrong. 

Many may keep quiet out of fear or respect for you.

But assuredly, you have planted the wrong seed.

You have set a wrong precedent.

You have shown a pretty poor example of who a leader should be or what leadership truly is.

A generation has seen, heard and registered it.

Be sure of that.

It will bear fruit, if not now then later, and if not in an obvious area then in an obscure space or scenario.

Your works are also duly noted by the Heavenlies.


So, so, so… What should you do now?

Be truly smart and emotionally intelligent.

Don’t let baser emotions get the better of you.

Descend from your high horse and be human.

Acknowledge your flaws and errors.

Make the necessary adjustments.

The unwise and ignorant may scoff temporarily. 

But good men will certainly respect you deeply.

And the LORD will indeed be pleased with you.

What else do you want, Señor? What else!

Use this opportune time to demonstrate that God’s love is in you—extend same towards the least likely.

Remember, the oil flows from the head downwards.

Don’t let your less noble lieutenants play you into tre..achery. You should be able to do better.


Note that proof of the anointing is not that you are always sitting pretty and protected on the throne.

But that you can also stoop down, slip into dark dungeons and come out with stars and stripes on your shoulder albeit with many unseen scars. 

You’ve been to the hottest battles. 

War-tested warrior. You are anointed.

I’ll leave that with you to chew upon.

Asante sana! 


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