Everyone you meet or listen to in this life is a salesperson, or potentially so.

They are mostly selling you something that they affirm you need, but essentially it’s for themselves. 

They are selling the goods or services to make money for themselves. 

Everyone is ultimately working for themselves.

Whether they are the employer or employee.

Whether they are the manufacturer or marketer.

Except it’s the pure and unadulterated Gospel of your soul’s salvation that they are preaching or presenting, without strings attached of joining their religious group or giving money in whatever guise or alias it is packaged.

Many people are selling you actual or alleged solutions to real or perceived problems and needs, perhaps because they know, anticipate, created or are stimulating those problems and needs, so they could be in business and so they could make (and keep making) an earning from their offering to help you with said needs. 

Of course this comes with many maneuvers, detours, ideas, freebies, engagements, value additions, information, interactions, imagery, emotional appeal, logical appeal, twists and turns, positive and negative manipulations, iterations, propositions, et cetera. 

That’s it.

It’s part of socioeconomic development. 

It’s part of life. Don’t fight it. 

Just learn to navigate the waters. 

Learn the ropes. 

Watch the tides, the wind and the draft. 

Flow with the positive and constructive waves that take or prod you on to your destination or at least move you forward in that direction.

Even most of those selling, promoting and advocating for morality, justice, equity and even most of religion is for a better, stabler, saner and safer society (and this is absolutely great and for the greater good of all) but it is really not for your eternal salvation, except they preach Christ and His pure and perfect work of salvation.

So what are you to do in the light of this, that is, with this understanding?

Ask yourself: what are they selling—and why?

Also ask yourself: why am I really buying?

Then think for yourself: what kind of purchase is this—a potentially recurrent purchase such as a subscription-based plan and is it going to put me in a rat race or take me down a rabbit hole, socially, economically or psychologically?

Objectively analyze the pros and cons.

Then make your decision.

Good luck.


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