Given the way man is designed, having money without work may not lead to personal satisfaction or self-actualization.

Prosperity without productivity may not give the desired results in a very fulfilling personal and social life.

Anyone who gives you lots of money but takes from you your work/career is not helping you at best and wants to destroy you at worst. 

It’s a trap, a detour, a bait to derail you and cheat you out of “greater opportunities”. 

That opportunity cost is too great.

Especially if you are already building a good and promising career.

The exception will be stopping or pausing a career for family reasons, or to further your education, or to transition into a different vocation that utilizes more of your innate gifts/talent/potential and thus gives you greater fulfillment or work satisfaction.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do you have a vision for your career?

Is money the end goal? 

Or is it making an input or impact, and being part of a meaningful project and value-adding enterprise while you are alive? 

I guess it’s different strokes for different folks. 

Some people are looking for capital or seed money from a job to fund their business or dream project. 

Some just need money from any kind of job or business to fund their dream or desired life.

Many times it’s just survival for most people, given the stark reality of the world’s economic conditions.

But do keep in mind that everyone has their own goals and aspirations in life.

You don’t necessarily need to use other people’s ideas as your ideal.

Determine what you want and be happy with it.



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