Everyone judges. 

That is, everyone assesses situations and evaluates people based on certain realities and parameters.

We then hold the results of our conscious or unconscious assessment or evaluation of people and situations as thoughts and perceptions, which lead to feelings and actions.

Just so you know: our thoughts and presumptions about people can and may be wrong or inaccurate.

Remember that. And yes, everyone has a bias.

It could be right or wrong. 

It may be true or false. 

Accurate or inaccurate. 

Objective or subjective.

Factual or sentimental.

But watch your heart for any growing prejudices, bitterness or ill will against anyone, regardless of the situation.

Even with those who oppose or treat you as an enemy.

Deal with situations as objectively as possible.

Don’t let the gall of bitterness defile your heart. 

Shockingly, many people who perceive themselves to be holy may end up damned not because they were not sexually pure but because they harbored bitterness and unforgiveness in their hearts, or they engaged in censorious gossip, slander, deceit, character assassination, and suchlike.


Definitions and interpretations matter. 

Accurate understanding of truth matters. 

“Love your enemies” is a command of Christ and a characteristic of Christians.

Love does not mean fellowship or friendship.

Learn what things really means. 

Seek to understand true meanings. 

Don’t assume or think that you already know.

Even if you know, confirm that it is true or the fact.

Lay aside preconceived notions and personal  (sometimes petty) sentiments otherwise you will never be a true and just person who is loyal to the truth. 

This will help you to be able to judge your own perceptions. To assess your own thoughts and thought processes to be sure you’re on the right path: the path of truth and justice. 

This process will help you arrive at a better understanding of subject matters.

Think thoroughly. 

So, the Scripture also says: “Friendship with the world is enmity with God.”

Study to know what God your Father is saying to you, if you’re indeed His child.

Study the Scripture. Know what it means. Little by little, you grow in understanding of the Truth.

Don’t stay confused and ignorant so that you are not deceived and misled by the error, falsehood and deception prevalent in these last days. 

A biblical statement that religious people bitterly and erroneously use to justify the malevolence or maltreatment that they unleash on their contenders is this: “Suffer not a witch to live”. 

Religious people quote it out of context and without proper understanding and application of the text. 

So if you see me as a witch and I see you in the same way, just because I don’t like you and want to paint you in bad light by any means possible, then should we both be planning and/or praying to kpai each other? God forbid. 

That would be Satan deeply and richly at work and that would be people helping (or serving) Satan to carry out his work because of the wickedness and hardness of their unconverted hearts, although they may be fully drenched in religious activities.

I have often said this: “Where in doubt, it is better to exonerate the guilty than to incriminate the innocent.” 

Now again, what if you were wrong and the person was not a witch? Would you amend your definition of a witch to accommodate their person or action? Would you sponsor or stimulate an action that will make them fall into the category you wish for them?

It is unjust in the eyes of God to trigger or incite any thought or emotion that could instigate any wrong outcome that would be used to deride or diminish a person, even if nobody knows the secret motive and hidden agenda, aka c0nspiracy theory.

God the Ultimate Judge will give the full and final verdict at last. Every case would be finalized by His Holy and Eternal Majesty, the Most High, the All Knowing and All Wise Sovereign LORD God. 

Ultimately, that would be the case in Eternity. 


A just or righteous person will be careful how his heart or mind processes ideas and perceptions about people.

People can be survivors still grappling with the aftermath of unfair, unfortunate or unbelievable events or circumstances. 

Fact is, people perceive things differently based on their orientation, experiences, biases, capacities, etc, which could be healthy and helpful, or otherwise.

For example, a person may see a man with an injury and immediately assume he was in a fight. Another person may see the same man but then assume he was in an accident.

You never know. You may also be hearing from a disgruntled, unscrupulous and criminal-minded person who is on an evil mission of personal vendetta, calumny, injustice and destruction. 

They may be using you for their agenda. You may also be a willing participant and accomplice to the evil agenda because of your own personal interest. You may also choose to flip the script and double cross them, that is trick the trickster. A case of the hunter becoming the hunted, perhaps? 

Also, a person may see a broke person and assume they are lazy or irresponsible. Another person may see the same person and assume they had a bad break. 

You may be wrong. You may be right.

But you have to be sure of what you think you know and take responsibility for believing whatever you have chosen to believe. 

What does this mean for you?

Do your homework before you draw conclusions.

Subject your perceptions to adequate scrutiny. 

Relevant, unbiased and non-discriminatory.

Don’t base your beliefs on hearsay. 

Ask questions. Do research. Be intelligent.

Give people the benefit of doubt.

Treat people as you would like to be treated. 

Even if they are wrong, imagine you are the one who is wrong (never say never, because you may never know when or how). Then, administer the same treatment you will give to yourself on them. 

May God help you and help me too.

Thank you for reading. 


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