False teaching is sin or rebellion against God. 

Thus, tolerance towards false teaching is sin. 

People don’t understand that false religion makes a sinner twice a child of hell or the devil as he was without false doctrine, without false gospel or without false Christianity. 

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to make one convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a child of hell as you are!” (Matthew 23:15, CSB)

Following a false Christ is worse than not following the true Christ. 

Accepting, celebrating, entertaining, supporting, patronizing or sitting under false teaching is acutely disobeying God and working against God.

It is an anti God or anti Christ agenda. 

In Eternity, many will regret not seeking the truth, and refusing it when they heard it. But it’s their choice. We can’t force nobody. Suit yourself.

Evaluate yourself: are you following God or man? Truth or falsehood? Scripture or human philosophy?

There is only one way to Heaven. However, there are many ways to Hell, which includes all the false religions and pagan religions, the worst and most dangerous being false Christianity because it is the most deceptive tool to hoodwink gullible people into thinking that they are serving God or Christ.

Counterfeit ‘truth’, fake ‘gospel’ or false ‘Christs’ are the most dangerous, potent and influential forms of deception that if it were possible (but it is not), even the Elect would have been deceived.

This is serious. It has spiritual and eternal impact.

If your eyes are open, then you can see it all around.

If anyone teaches a gospel or doctrine contrary to Scriptural truth, what should faithful Christians do? 

False teaching is a serious matter. God doesn’t take it lightly with false prophets who deceive and exploit the people. It is like someone feeding babies or little children with poisonous, harmful and completely unhealthy concoctions as “food”. 

“If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching [but diminishes or adds to the doctrine of Christ], do not receive or welcome him into your house, and do not give him a greeting or any encouragement; for the one who gives him a greeting [who encourages him or wishes him success, unwittingly] participates in his evil deeds.” (2 John 1:10-11, AMP)

When faced with perils of persecution and rejection by the world and the religious system (which is a subset and disciple of the world), what will you do?

When faced with the choice of who to obey, God or man, what would be your choice?

Have you counted the cost?

Have you seen the true Christ?

Will you be faithful to His Truth?

Have you indeed seen the End?

“Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to listen to you rather than God. For we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”” (Acts 4:18-20, BSB)

“Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than people.”” (Acts 5:29, CSB)







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