When we see or understand the True Nature and Attributes of The Sovereign, Most High and "Holy, Holy, Holy LORD God Almighty", YHWH (Yahweh), and see ourselves in the Perfect Light of His Absolute Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, Truth and Justice, then we will see how utterly and completely depraved human beings truly are!

If you have not seen your wretchedness as a hopeless and helpless sinner, how then can you see your own personal desperate need for salvation, the redemption of your soul from sin and the eternal consequences of sin; a redemption that has been purchased by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. 

How can you truly appreciate Christ’s great suffering, death, burial and resurrection, how can you highly prize eternal salvation above every mundane, material blessing in this temporary life, and how can we escape God's wrath and judgment "if we neglect so great salvation"?

Indeed, how and why should you be "saved" when you are not in danger of any kind? From what have you been saved? 

Why did the Sinless Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, die the most gruesome, shameful death? 

Did He die FOR YOU? WHY?

Do you really believe He did?

When you understand the Righteous Judgment of God and His Holy Displeasure for sin, only then will you understand His Exceeding Grace, Mercy and Love given in the Sacrificial and Substitutionary Work of The Christ, The Messiah, on The Cross for depraved and damned sinners such as we are.

When you understand that the world is already condemned to Eternal Damnation, only then will you most passionately and most gratefully receive God’s Free Gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus, which will cause you to "rejoice in the LORD always", with "the joy of the Lord", which is "the joy of His Salvation".



I’m not talking about vain and dead religion. This isn’t the modern, trending and so-called “church” littered all around us today. This is not denominations or religious cliques.

This is not about wearing fancy clothes and going to a fancy ‘church house’ to dance and be prophesied upon that "this week will be full of testimonies of bank credit alerts, financial breakthroughs or so-called miracle money", when you know that you're not saved and you're not living a life that truly pleases God.

No, that is NOT the gospel of Christ.

That is religious delusion and deception.

If you have not seen your own "total depravity" outside the Mercy, Grace and justification of Christ, then you have not seen the Glorious Light of the True Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To reiterate, in light of God's Righteousness, all the righteousness of mankind, male and female, are filthy rags and utter scum, no matter how ‘good’ humanity thinks it is

“There is none righteous, no not one!”

If you don’t know the Total Purity of Yahweh, you will not see the total depravity of humanity.

If your eyes have not been spiritually opened, then you cannot perceive who God really is, that is, you cannot see the True Spiritual Realities of the Nature of the HOLY GOD and the sin nature of fallen man.

If we have not beheld the beauty of God’s Holiness, we won’t know the ugliness of man’s iniquity.

All the good works of man without godly love and  righteousness that comes by true salvation is tainted with human depravity, including selfishness, pride, vain glory, conceit, competition, oppression, aggression, people pleasing, seeking praise from others, greed, self promotion, manipulation, deception, corruption, fear, anxiety, and all sorts of hidden motives and dysfunctions.

Even praying to God, preaching the Gospel or providing for the needs of others, which are the noblest of things a human being can do, can be done with ungodly intention or attitude such as seeking to make money from it rather than to truly convert souls to God, or to genuinely (without strings attached) help people, and to please or glorify God.

We must repent of our sin and self-righteousness. 

The Lord Jesus is able and willing to save all who come to Him. He offers forgiveness of sin, newness of life and redemption from everlasting damnation!


Later, as Jesus left the town, he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his tax collector’s booth. “Follow me and be my disciple,” Jesus said to him. So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him.

Later, Levi held a banquet in his home with Jesus as the guest of honor. Many of Levi’s fellow tax collectors and other guests also ate with them. 

But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?”

Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”

(Luke 5:27-32 AMP)






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