(Let those who read understand)


For thirty pieces of silver, betrayed his friend.

The One who trusted him with private matters.

The Man who entrusted his money to him. 

Betrayers or traitors are “false friends”.

False friends are the WORST kind of enemies.

Better a “known foe” than an “uncertain buddy”.

Actually for Judas, it was his ‘master’.

For many today, it is their sons and daughters.

Their brothers and sisters.

Their fathers and mothers.

Their husbands and wives.

Their neighbors and friends.

Their bosses and colleagues.

Their clients and customers.

Their vendors and suppliers.

Their domestic staff or guardians.

Their guests, hosts or caregivers.

Basically, someone close enough to inflict pain.


But Judas had his “unique role” to play at the “appointed time”…

The “kairos” moment for the “glorification of the Son of Man.”

Indeed, EVERY Judas has a PURPOSE in the grand scheme of things, known or unknown.

As Satan the “father betrayer” and “master accuser” has his “unique purpose” in the fulfillment of the supreme purposes of God.

So also, all those who go vehemently against the Will of God are fulfilling their own purpose within the Will of God.

The enlightened “sons of men” will not pray or plan for their own Judases to die before time.

Else the “greater purposes” will be truncated.

The Lord Jesus gave an example that his TRUE followers follow.

He did not call down fire to consume the mean heathen village that denied Him thoroughfare.

He did not try to show Himself in front of His disciples to be a strong man who is to be feared.

He did not resist or rain curses on Judas for betraying Him into the hands of the wicked.

He did not place curses on those who crucified Him instead He prayed to God to forgive them.

So, hush those evil “vengeance prayers” in true Christ-like communities and communication…

Against every and any perceived ‘enemy’ who may just be an honest person, a Christian for that matter, who has a contrary view to ours.

(I’m not talking to everyone; but to those who desire and delight to do the Father’s Will. Let such “assess” if this is what CHRIST taught us).



Every plan seeks to fulfill a purpose, knowingly or unknowingly.

Every prayer of TRUE believers in Christ should be geared towards the realization of God’s will.

“Our Father who is in Heaven, …YOUR WILL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”


Ultimately, every plan and counter-plan of every created entity, be it spirit or flesh, will culminate or climax in the fulfillment of God’s Purpose. 🙌

For God is Sovereign! ✅

TRUE understanding teaches that there is no other purpose and no greater purpose than the grand purpose of the Creator for His Creation.

Matter of fact, His TRUE purpose is found in His “New Creation” in Christ Jesus, who is the Lord of lords and King of kings.

This is what most false proponents of “purpose” do NOT know, or do NOT teach, even if known.


So Judas.

What’s the problem with Judases?

They don’t clearly explain what they don’t like about you so as to seek “mutually-beneficial solutions”.

They don’t open up and “bring to light” the real issues they have seen or heard so as to confirm if they’re true or false, valid or invalid.

Nope, they just head out with a sinister and secret scheme to stab you in the back…

After, again I say, after they must have wined and dined with you.

They operate “in the dark” to craft and cast their havoc.

Children of the night. Vessels of darkness.

* Interlude: 

Only God Almighty, the Most High and Holy, the Sovereign One has exclusive rights to secrecy.

We as humans have individual rights to privacy.

And every “disclosed data” (from the senses or sciences) and every “given grace” (through the Spirit and as “it is written” in the Scriptures) are “sufficient for us” in all things, resulting both in good works to mankind and giving worship to God, the Source and Sustainer of all things. 🙏

“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things which are revealed and disclosed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we may do all of the words of this law.”

* Continuation: 

But “open rebuke is better than secret love.”

Hidden love can be easily denied and betrayed.

Secretive friendships are mostly deceitful or illicit.

Clandestine fraternities and activities are often largely underhanded, treacherous and crooked.

Open rebuke is at least honest and truth-telling.

Not so with the Judases…

They befriend to betray.

They magnify your mistakes.

They enlarge your errors.

They crucify the Christ. 


The Christ in you. 

To some, “Christ in you” is a HUGE threat to their “financially-rewarding” FALSEHOOD.

Commercially-motivated deceit... 

The price tag was mouthwatering, they say.

Unfortunately, many will betray for peanuts.

Or some other kind of “nuts”. 

It’s usually a “nutty” business. 

Peddling “crazy things” to destroy another...

But the ruthlessly greedy and irrationally bitter?

They do not even attempt to buy but to bully.

Persecuting and punishing the meek as weak.


Unlike Peter who repented for denying his Lord.

Judas seeks to hide his wickedness even if by death.

If he could sell his Master to “paying killers”. 

He could also jeopardize or jettison any life, including his life, just to avoid repentance.

Why, Judas, why?

I’m not asking why you betrayed the “Son of Man”.

Obviously, you did NOT know, see, perceive and were “unaware” of his TRUE spiritual identity.

I’m asking what made you do it?

What was your own “deeper and personalized motive” for even betraying anyone?

What was the proverbial “Trojan horse” in you…

That self-sabotaging “enemy within” that was readily used by the sly Enemy of your sinful soul… 

To convince you to unleash “great wickedness” on another soul?

Even if it was another sinful soul as yourself.

Judas, why?

Or rather, why not? 

Yes. Judas, WHY NOT?

Why not YOU?

Why not THIS?

You were the necessary evil…

Used to accomplish the much-needed affliction.

An inevitable job that required someone with your track record and pedigree.

A poignant persona with a hardened heart and a Machiavellian mindset.

The dirty job which “rogues in religion” must be used to perform.

Stealing the mutual funds.

Manipulating “miracle money”.

Merchandising the gospel and gift of God.

Dividing friends, families and close units.

Dividing people to conquer people.

Working to erode people’s finances.

Laboring to destroy businesses.

Controlling the destinies of others.

Inflicting minds and infecting bodies.

Secretly spreading false accusations.

Pretending to care for “the needy”.

Posing as a “helper to humanity”.

Fronting as a well-meaning friend.

Camouflaging as a larger-than-life ‘MOG’.

Religiously ripe enough to betray God.

To misrepresent and monopolize Jehovah!

Economically powerful enough to control the populace and the popular narrative.

Plotting pitfalls and setting traps of all sorts.

Masterminding mafia-like maneuvers.

Scripting secret and sinister strategies.

The shameful pain that brought ultimate gain.


Why not him? When…

“Satan entered into Judas.”

“His obsessive love for money was at the root of this evil.”

“He was predestined as a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction.”

“He is the doomed son of perdition chosen to facilitate the suffering and death of Messiah.”

So, Bigman Judas, why not?

Go ahead. Hurry, you Furry!

“What you must do, do quickly.”


Now, let’s come back home…

Should a son disown his mother because of the horrible things she has done and/or is doing?

Should a mother betray her son because of the terrible things he did or dabbled into in folly?

Why would a daughter pray for her dad to die?

Why would a father curse his own daughter?

Why would a spouse abandon their partner in life, to whom they enacted a solemn, sacred vow and covenant before God and man to be with “till death do us part”?

Just asking WHY? 

The question of “motive and meaning”.

The question of “purpose and reason”.


Ultimately, it is that God’s Purpose be achieved.


Oh wicked world speeding towards damnation!

The “city of destruction” all pilgrims must leave.

As there are “false Christs and false prophets”…

There also are false churches, false fathers, false mothers, false children, false brethren, false friends, false love, false hopes, false gospels, false salvation, false spirits, etc…

“Test all spirits.”

Let the true be known by their “love for truth”.

For the true “see” God’s truth in Scriptures.

For they testify of the One who is True.

And their testimony is true and trustworthy.

“Let God be true and every man a liar.”

Finally, this word goes to all Judases out there:

“He who lives by the sword shall die by same.”

As you have denied those who you betrayed…

So He who you betray shall deny you:

“I never knew you.”

“Depart from Me.”

“You who act wickedly.”

And the word of God cannot be broken.





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