Just as Christ didn’t die that most gruesome and shameful death on the cross to ‘empower’ sinners to buy and “slay” in fancy dresses, cars or houses but to save His people from their sins...

Just as God doesn’t seek our material stuff but seeks our authentic spiritual worship, genuine scriptural fellowship, real personal relationship and true personal commitment to Him and His Word…

So also people with genuine and godly love do not connect or co-relate with others for selfish, sinister, sabotaging or suchlike reasons and motives but for genuine and godly reasons. 

Do you come to God because of your earthly, temporary needs, for signs and wonders? 

Or do you truly seek to know Him through His word and to selflessly surrender to His will?

This is the godly challenge to me and to you…

Now I see more and more clearly how tragically dangerous false prophets are in the scheme of things and in the sentencing of souls to eternal damnation with all their popular and prevalent godless sermons in their Christless ‘churches’.

They cause professing Christians to focus on temporary things, they cut them off from growing spiritually or progressively changing into the TRUE Image of Christ, and they take advantage of their earthly needs for personal economic profiteering.

It takes God’s help to see beyond the religious mentions of the name “Jesus”, all the programs and activities held in the name of God and the flippant Christian clichés and confessions, as well as seemingly godly titles and teachings.

When it is mostly about earthly success and dominance, health, wealth and prosperity, please know for sure that it is NOT the TRUE gospel of the TRUE Christ. 

Take it or thrash it, but I have to bear witness to this TRUTH here and now.

May the Lord help us NOT to be hypocritical charlatans of religious falsehood who will be rejected by Him on the last day as having no genuine spiritual and scriptural foundation!

Better a soul who sees their depraved state of sin and runs to Christ for true redemption than the self-righteous who arrogantly and falsely presumes salvation but is deeply deluded. 

Therefore, since almost everyone is or claims to be a super Christian going to a super church and having super Sundays and no one seems to be a sinner again in a society full of wickedness…

Again I ask, WHY did you come to God?

For self preservation and promotion OR for soul salvation and transformation? Let each man examine their own selves and their own hearts.

Also, HOW did you come to Him?

By repeating and reciting a sinner’s prayer?

Think again!

Grace to you! 





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