(Caveat/Proviso: For TRUE Christians only!)

THIS is the word of the LORD… (Selah!)

“Wives, SUBMIT to your own husbands, AS TO THE LORD … JUST AS THE CHURCH IS subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands IN EVERYTHING.”

“Husbands, LOVE your wives JUST AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her…”

THAT is the word of the LORD. (Selah!)


The husband who fears God WILL OBEY GOD and love his wife, regardless of what his wife does.

The wife who fears God WILL OBEY GOD and submit to her husband, regardless of what her husband does.

It’s NOT about man or human beings.

It’s about God. 

GOD is the LIFE of ALL those who are ALIVE, spiritually speaking. Selah…!

Our obedience and allegiance IS TO GOD.

We are NOT "fools" or "weak" to be obeying God in the midst of several and severe or dire trials and difficult temptations, and in the harsh and horrific face of societal mockery and public ridicule. 

But if so be it, then we are fools for Christ’s sake… 

And if at all we must glory, then we will glory, delight or take pleasure in our weakness or infirmity, so that the power of Christ may rest on us, even as Paul a TRUE apostle of Christ also said.

(Smiles and sighs…)

We know something that the callous crowd and mischievous mass DO NOT KNOW.

(To God be the glory…)

Those who do not know God are “spiritual and eternal FOOLS”, truthfully speaking, no insults pls.

Mark these words. 

The end will show this. 

But will be too late for many.

Those who know God fear God.

Those who fear God are wise.

Fear of God is TRUE wisdom and understanding.

Those who fear God UNDERSTAND these things, yes even the deep and secret things of the Lord.

The LORD is a Righteous Judge. Selah, selah!

DO NOT allow anyone, whoever they are, make you disobey God’s holy word, as it is written, for thus you dishonor and disregard the Most High.

Surely, the “fear of the LORD” is the beginning or foundation of WISDOM.

And the “knowledge of the Holy One” results in UNDERSTANDING, GOOD JUDGMENT or INSIGHT.

Grace to me and grace to you…








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