A man who is dirty can’t wait to take a bath.

A man who is thirsty is eager to have a drink.

A man who is hungry desires longingly to eat.

This can be a portrait or picture of the gospel.

But man is so depraved and dead in sin…

That he cannot see or know his real state.

He doesn’t know the gravity of iniquity.

Thus, he swims carelessly in wickedness…

Until God through The Gospel intercepts him.

God chose such from the world’s foundation.

As the Lamb was slain from time’s beginning.

And playback is happening as time is expiring.

Yes, it is God in His grace who helps any man…

To come to his spiritual senses to see properly…

To receive sight and to see his spiritual need.

The need for salvation from eternal damnation.

A realization that he is dirty, thirsty and hungry.

It is God who opens the man’s eyes to see 

His totally wretched, depraved and lost condition.

And it is God who saves a man from that state.

Left to ourselves, we cannot see our depravity.

Left to us, we will remain blind, lost and dead.

“All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart.”

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?”

Without regeneration, man can't see God’s holiness.

In sharp contrast to his own complete sinfulness. 

Without rebirth, a man can’t see the new reality.

Reality of God reigning in the heart and life of man.

The spiritual and eternal Kingdom of Christ.

The sovereign and supreme reign of JESUS.

The Owner of all, Judge of all and Ruler of all.

Without spiritual life, every man is dead to God.

Indeed, we are all wretched without Jesus. ✅

Irrespective of the choice or color of your sin.

“The soul that sins (whatever sin) shall die.”

“The wages of sin (any and every sin) is death.”

“But the GIFT OF GOD is Eternal Life IN CHRIST.”

No man can boast of his salvation.

It was not earned by works of self-righteousness.

No religious leader can bestow salvation on any.

Only the LORD can save and redeem man’s soul.

In the abundance of Mercy and riches of Grace.

God predestined His Elect to be justified.

And glorified through the Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏

Are you among them who have been called out?

To be saved and set apart to the Will of the Father.

Then give Him thanks continually and rejoice!

The LORD will be glorified in and through you.

To you, His Kingdom has been bequeathed. ✅

“Blessed are the poor in spirit…

…for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

To God be the glory forever more!






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