No bibilical record of any Apostle of Christ collecting tithes. No biblical record of anyone in the New Testament paying tithes. But you smart religious man has greater revelation to pay and collect tithes because? “Because?” Tell me, if you will please. It’s a biblical observation then a question. Why? Any Scriptural New Testament doctrinal basis? If for good reason with biblical validity, then fine. But not as manipulation or guilt tripping. Rather as a biblically sound and personally responsible, selfless decision made with understanding of the need and importance of committing a certain amount of one’s resources including but not limited to money or income on a regular basis to support and facilitate the activities of the community one belongs to, whether a church, a nuclear family, an association, or any group. You may choose to give (not pay) a tenth (tithe) or any percentage or portion you decide in your heart. You don’t pay God on a ten-percent commission basi...