
Showing posts from February, 2024


  No bibilical record of any Apostle of Christ collecting tithes. No biblical record of anyone in the New Testament paying tithes. But you smart religious man has greater revelation to pay and collect tithes because? “Because?” Tell me, if you will please. It’s a biblical observation then a question. Why? Any Scriptural New Testament doctrinal basis? If for good reason with biblical validity, then fine.  But not as manipulation or guilt tripping. Rather as a biblically sound and personally responsible, selfless decision made with understanding of the need and importance of committing a certain amount of one’s resources including but not limited to money or income on a regular basis to support and facilitate the activities of the community one belongs to, whether a church, a nuclear family, an association, or any group. You may choose to give (not pay) a tenth (tithe) or any percentage or portion you decide in your heart.  You don’t pay God on a ten-percent commission basi...


Let me tell you something. There is no good reason for you to become wicked. Why would someone make you wicked?  Does a dog soar high in the sky like the eagle?  Does a lion bark or does it roar?  Can a dead man be tempted with sumptuous food?  Did the devil not tempt Jesus first with “miracle bread” temptation after he had fasted and was hungry? Or you think the devil didn’t know what he was doing?  We sin because we have the tendency from the old nature or flesh to sin, which is capitalized or accentuated by the temptation presented to us to sin.  Some people overestimate their strength because they have not faced certain devils or been exposed to certain situations or left alone to fight certain battles with many enemies. Some people claim that people made them wicked. Really? Evil overcame good? Darkness subdued light? Satan conquered Jes—no I can’t even complete it because it already sounds like blasphemy just in my thoughts alone. What!  Instead ...


Anyone in religion who prides themselves in the fact that they do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes yet always looks for how they can be dishonest in their work or business to make more profit is not a True Christian. The above assertion is conscientiously made based on the clear verdict and command of the Lord Jesus Christ on religious people (including and particularly addressing religious leaders) in Matthew 23:25-26, where He spoke these words, as veritably recorded by His First Disciples, Eye Eyewitnesses and Foundational Apostles:  “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” Earlier on in the same Book of Matthew the ex publican (public servant and tax collector), while speaking to His Disciples, Christ gave them the clear teaching below, as recorded verit...


  Make no mistakes about it: TRUTH SHALL SURELY PREVAIL! Everyone will eventually know the Truth. Every humam being, including the hardened criminals and wicked false prophets, will surely either repent on this Earth or regret in Eternity. Everyone will finally see and know the Truth. Everyone will in a sense finally 'repent'. For it is written, “AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, TO ME EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL CONFESS TO GOD.”  In this, I greatly rejoice!  I am not alone, if I am on the side of Truth. I am on the side of The LORD God Almighty. Time and Eternity certainly happens to all men. Just wait. You will surely and personally see. Everyone will. No exceptions whatsoever.  Seek to know and embrace the Truth now. Otherwise, you shall still know it in Eternity but it will be too late by then. Completely too late! God is faithful to lead a person into His Truth if they humbly and honestly desire and seek same, without pride and prejudice. Grace and peac...


  There is nothing as dangerous and devilish as lots of theological knowledge but zero Spiritual Life and Christlikeness. This is likened to the action of Satan himself in the wilderness, in his quoting of and twisting Scripture to Christ Himself.  This is also the sad religious reality of many vocational or professional clergymen who may have been highly trained in religious systems to preach and teach on countless theological topics and themes with expertise, and to competently conduct or officiate weddings, funerals and religious ceremonies but do not have the True Christ living actively in their hearts and souls, by His Spirit correcting, convicting, comforting and conforming them to the image and likeness of Christ the Lord and King. This is what Satan desired, sought, asked and pleaded to do with Peter but Christ intercepted it by His Gracious Power and Prayer for Peter.  This is what Satan has done, is doing and will continue to do with the perceived and presumed p...


  ENVY IS IGNORANCE Envy is undiagnosed ignorance. Envy is under-processed identity. Envy is over-developed insecurity. Envy is ignorance of God’s love. Envy is rejection of God’s wisdom. Envy is rebellion against God’s Will. In its true essence, EACH AND EVERY SIN IS UTTER DISREGARD FOR GOD through mindless and irreverent disobedience to His Just, Righteous and Holy Laws, Commands, Principles, Precepts, Truth and Wisdom. Every sin is transgression of The Word, The Law, The Truth or The Scripture of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, ALL HOLY, ALL WISE, ALL RIGHTEOUS, ALL TRUTH…MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH! ALL SIN is rebellion against GOD! We must be broken over every form of sin and spiritual rebellion in our lives and ask God for mercy!  If THE RIGHTEOUS AND JUST GOD should count or consider iniquity, sin or transgressions, who shall stand?  But there is forgiveness with Him. There must be brokenness in man.  A broken and contrite HEART, the LORD, the HOLY GOD will not despise o...


When you call a smart businessman with a big religious organization a “father of faith”, you ins#lt Christ and His Body.  Referring to a spiritually d€ad man or at best a spiritually infantile or immature person as a spiritual father in the faith which is in Christ?  Do you know Christ? Do you understand what the faith is all about? Obviously not.  Same things Christ refuted in the Pharisees and warned this Disciples against are the things they in the so-called Christian faith have brought back, put on a pedestal and made centre stage.  They are in err0r.  You have been taught and indoctrinated wrongly.  That is not the Body of Christ.  Those are not fathers of faith.  No! Most of them are £vil, carnal, shrewd, ambitious, clever, w!cked, insecur€, v€ngeful, vain, vici0us, greedy, proud, self!sh, controlling, man.ipulative, spiritually ignorant and d!abolical men.  You have been f00led.  Don’t take my word for it. Go do your diligent sear...


Do not be conformed to this world. Genuine or real transformation is about mind renewal with God’s Truth not just external change that doesn’t get to a person’s way of thinking. This is the true work of The Word of God in a Believer’s life here on Earth. Is your mind being changed from the old to a new way of thinking? Are you updating your mental software with the Truth operating system: God’s Scriptrue given to birth and build the New Man in Christ? If you’re submitting and saturating your mind with the Word of God’s Truth, you may not even realize it but you will be transforming and people may begin to see or find out that you think and behave differently from the world. They may try to deny, downplay, ridicule, slander or sabotage it, out of mischief, envy or spite. But that’s it right there! God is at work in you through His Word!  Life transformation by the renewing of the mind with “The Word”, termed so because it is the only “word” that ultimately and eternally matters: God...


  TRINITY: ONE GOD, THREE PERSONS Yes, GOD IS ONE GOD and JESUS IS GOD. THE ONE TRUE GOD revealed Himself to Man in Three Distinct Persons: Father, Son and Spirit. This is what theologians refer to as the Trinity (Latin: Trinitas) which etymologically means tripleness.  This was to show that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are “numerically distinct from one another”.  It is to contrast other heretical beliefs such as: - Tritheism (heresy that there are three Gods)  - Modalism (theological doctrine that there are not three distinct persons but three modes or forms of activity) - Unitarianism (heresy that essentially denies the Diety of Jesus while denying the existence of a Triune God or the Trinity of the Godhead) - Arianism (heresy that Jesus is not coeternal and consubstantial with God the Father) Et cetera  Now, kindly refer below to the citations from Scripture that substantiate the verity of the three distinct persons in the Godhead: And after being...


  The child of God deeply cares about people.  We are not heartless or without compassion. Never. That’s not typical of a true Believer.  Infact, we love too much to not tell the truth.  Or to keep mute when fellow humans are heading ignorantly in the wrong direction. We can’t be jesting as people are perishing.  What if that was us, or our close loved ones? We understand standing for and speaking out for the Truth is a ba.ttle and a rescue mission not a mere circus show for our own amusement and entertainment as is rife in Vanity Fair. We see exactly what is being done in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is dis@strous. Moreso, we are under dutiful obligation to put forth the light and share the truth of God to all. We do it from the outflow of the love and mercy that God has so graciously lavished on us, even in bringing His light into our darkness. Matter of fact, without God’s love, we too would mindlessly partake and profit from the lucrative lies of...


  THE WISE SEEK “THE WHY” The wise seek to know the meaning and reason. A simple example: if you tell a person that they are not consistent or faithful in a given endeavor but you leave it at that, you have only provided a pseudo feedback or observation but you have not told them why it is important to be consistent and faithful. You have not provided the far-reaching benefits, reasons, purpose, vision, drive or true (inner or internal) motivation for such admirable action or beneficial behavior to be sustained intelligently and intentionally, with discipline and dedication regardless of external circumstances or exterior conditions. When they know the benefits, they will be sold on giving or getting (done) the project, product or service. If they are self-centred, self-catering or, better still, seeking a particular individual goal or personal outcome, then personal benefits will obviously and readily appeal more to them. However, if they seek a higher purpose outside themselves t...