
Showing posts from 2024


A prostitute is basically a person who engages in sexual activity for payment.  Also called a commercial sex worker, or simply a sex worker.  Other descriptions include hooker, hustler, harlot.  In given climes or conditions, they are escorts.   A female prostitute is usually called a call girl, runs girl, lady of the night, woman of the streets, etc.  A male prostitute, although not as common as a female prostitute, is called a gigolo. In essence, any offer of sex for payment is prostitution. Paul, in writing to Believers in Corinth, said this: “And don’t you realize that if a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? For the Scriptures say, “The two are united into one.” (1 Corinthians 6:16, NLT) As a background, history indicates that Paul must have been in his late 30s or early 40s when he wrote his letters to the Corinthian Church.  That should be sometime around the AD 50s. The first letter of Paul to the Corinthians, probably w...


OK, story time! My ex was a very beautiful lady. An amazing Niger Delta princess. One funny brother in church jokingly said that if my ex and I got married, we may have given birth to a beautiful mammy water because he considered us very beautiful and very handsome respectively. Matter of fact, she was a face model and did some modeling jobs with a number of organizations. I remember one juicy job she landed with a major telecommunications company that paid her what was a lot of money at that time. Infact, it was five times my monthly salary then. Her pretty face was on large billboards in different cities in the country and also at an international airport. She felt elated. I felt really proud of ‘my babe’. Beyond all that, she was a lively and jovial girl. I fell in love with her sparkly and sweet personality. I can say more about the soft feminine touch she gave me the opportunity to experience but let’s leave it as I’m no longer into her; and I will explain. Certainly, there were s...


  There are two kinds of people in this discourse. The peace-lovers and the trouble-mongers.  Beyond charm, charisma or projected persona. Some people naturally and intrinsically create, promote and inspire peace and harmony.  They look for ways to resolve issues that arise. They provide genuine solutions to problems.  They are inclined toward peace and progress in any environment and situation they find themselves. These are the real MVPs and unsong superstars. However, there are some individuals who always foment trouble and thrive off being troublesome.  Even when there is no problem, they create one. Some do this secretly and behind the scenes. They engineer discord and other social decay. They sow seeds of hatred, suspicion and distrust. They facilitate the breakdown of relationships. Again, most of this serpentine activity is done discreetly with great stealth and subtlety. Really, this toxic trait or obnoxious behavior may be a symptom of a greater or dee...


  If as an adult, you think you’re wrong and a child is right, do swallow your pride and call them over.  Sit down and discuss with them and you may learn something from them with your dignity still intact.  The wisdom that always wins is not always wi ld nor is it always about being a bully and lording it over smaller people even when you are obviously wrong.  Many may keep quiet out of fear or respect for you. But assuredly, you have planted the wrong seed. You have set a wrong precedent. You have shown a pretty poor example of who a leader should be or what leadership truly is. A generation has seen, heard and registered it. Be sure of that. It will bear fruit, if not now then later, and if not in an obvious area then in an obscure space or scenario. Your works are also duly noted by the Heavenlies. ******* So, so, so… What should you do now? Be truly smart and emotionally intelligent. Don’t let baser emotions get the better of you. Descend from your high horse an...


  Given the way man is designed, having money without work may not lead to personal satisfaction or self-actualization. Prosperity without productivity may not give the desired results in a very fulfilling personal and social life. Anyone who gives you lots of money but takes from you your work/career is not helping you at best and wants to destroy you at worst.  It’s a trap, a detour, a bait  to derail you and cheat you out  of “greater opportunities”.  That opportunity cost is too great. Especially if you are already building a good and promising career. The exception will be stopping or pausing a career for family reasons, or to further your education, or to transition into a different vocation that utilizes more of your innate gifts/talent/potential and thus gives you greater fulfillment or work satisfaction. What are your thoughts on this? Do you have a vision for your career? Is money the end goal?  Or is it making an input or impact, and being part o...


  Dear Nigerians,  Attn: Some Gen Z’s Attn: Whitey Wannabes Attn: Ethnic/Tribal Bigots Attn: Relevant Leadership  Attn: Concerned Readership Learn to love your indigenous names. Learn to appreciate your rich cultural heritage. I know you may not be proud of your country. But in spite of that, love your natural identity. It’s in your best interest to know your identity. Embracing one’s identity is a necessary part of one’s growth and authentic actualization. Understand these two principles: 1. Language is a tool for communication. 2. Name is a means of identification. You can speak any language or multiple languages. You may learn to speak Latin, French, Chinese, Spanish, etc just as we all learnt to speak English. But can you just answer a Chinese name if you’re born in Nigeria and have no sociocultural ties with the Chinese?  Just think about it. You may learn a little of other Nigerian languages, and you probably should for easier or enhanced social connection and ...


THE MOVIE YOU WILL NEVER SEE “100 Years” is the title of an upcoming experimental science fiction film written by and starring the actor John Malkovich and directed by Robert Rodriguez.  Produced by the French company Rémy Martin, it is intended to promote Louis XIII, their cognac which takes 100 years to create.  === A little more info about this exquisite beverage: Sophisticated connoisseurs of drinks will like this! Hold on, we’re going somewhere with all of this. Louis XIII (French pronunciation: [lwi tʁɛz]) is a cognac produced by Rémy Martin, a company headquartered in Cognac, France, and owned by the Rémy Cointreau Group.  It is the finest and most precious eaux-de-vie, made using grapes grown in Grande Champagne, the premier cru or vineyard of the Cognac region. It is carefully aged for decades to create the cognac inside every Louis XIII Classic decanter. Eaux-de-vie is a clear, colorless, fruit brandy that is made through fermentation and double distillation....


Everyone is an addict of sorts.  Well, arguably so. To put it another way, everything and anything has the potential of being an addiction to people. So everyone and anyone can be addicted to something (that is, strongly attached in a way that may be described as an addiction). If you’re reading this, chances are high that you feel strongly about and are committed to one or more of the following: Christ, truth, justice, reading, personal growth and development, leadership, service, and the likes.  This is positive passion—positive addiction.  Of course the word addiction is mostly associated with a disorder or negative impulse. However, a broader yet simple definition captures addiction as: a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something, even when there may be detrimental effects, risks or consequences from doing that thing . Commonly known addictions include: smoking, drinking alcohol, gambling, taking drugs, and using prescription medications. Having sa...


People need money. People love money.  People respect money.  If you have money, you would get some people who will ‘need’, ‘love’ or ‘respect’ you. However, you don’t necessarily have to always take it too seriously or personally.  And there’s a good reason for that. It’s usually not about you—or just you.  Honestly, it’s more about the money. Understandably so. Money has tremendous power over the flesh. This is because of the enormous amount of things money can be used to achieve on Earth. The great influence that money can command. The great good and otherwise it can accomplish. The flesh of man and by extension the society in which he lives, which indeed he constructed, all bow to the gigantic and supposedly almighty power of this creation and innovation of man called money. The secret to having power over money is to subdue “the flesh”— the human mind, emotions, desires, pursuits, perception, vision or outlook. To curtail and control the impulses or stimuli whic...


No matter how good you are to a certain kind of people, they’re not thinking of how good you are but of how deserving or wonderful they must be for you to be good to them, even when they are adding no real or reasonable value, are causing more harm than good, and thus only adding nuisance value to you. That why you have to regulate certain gestures and privileges to people.  If people have not fulfilled their obligations, then they should be held accountable. If people have not met certain requirements, then they should not be given certain rights. Foolish people take graciousness for granted. Such people do not realize their own stupidity. Maturing is realizing that some things you did were out of plain immaturity or stupidity. Psychological growth includes realizing that the reason some things continued to happen is because you ‘allowed’ them to “continue”.  Immature people do not take responsibility for their own actions and their mistakes. They look for ways to excuse it, ...


  Everyone you meet or listen to in this life is a salesperson, or potentially so. They are mostly selling you something that they affirm you need, but essentially it’s for themselves.  They are selling the goods or services to make money for themselves.  Everyone is ultimately working for themselves. Whether they are the employer or employee. Whether they are the manufacturer or marketer. Except it’s the pure and unadulterated Gospel of your soul’s salvation that they are preaching or presenting, without strings attached of joining their religious group or giving money in whatever guise or alias it is packaged. Many people are selling you actual or alleged solutions to real or perceived problems and needs, perhaps because they know, anticipate, created or are stimulating those problems and needs, so they could be in business and so they could make (and keep making) an earning from their offering to help you with said needs.  Of course this comes with many maneuvers,...


My biological father,   Evangelist Christian Chidozie Osonkie , was an ardent lover of God. He was also a great reader and lover of books. In the course of his lifetime, he was involved in evangelism , leadership training and missions .  An intelligent, honest, handsome, loquacious, dark-complexioned, average-height and slender man, he was a retired telecommunications engineer and indeed a strict disciplinarian who was respected by many and perhaps feared by some, especially those who were uncomfortable with his clear-cut or principled approach to work. Born on the 14th of November, 1950, he  passed on Christmas Day, the 25th of December 2015, at about 7pm, at the age of 65 years. (Some of his relatives said he was born in 1949, so it’s 66 years; whichever one it was, it’s fine). I remember the times that we sat down and talked, father to son, and heart to heart, where I was either asking him questions, or apologizing for something wrong I did, or explaining my point of ...