PLEASE LISTEN TO THE GOSPEL God is Holy, Holy, Holy. God created the Heaven and the Earth. God created Man to manage the Earth. All that God created was good. God gave Man a commandment. Man sinned (disobeyed God's command). This sin (disobedience or transgression of God's law of life) had great consequences. Man fell from Glory, from Divine Nature. Evil and wickedness entered the world. The knowledge or experience of good and evil. To end this, God will destroy the present world. Sin ultimately resulted in Disease and Death. Man, as created, was never to be ill or to die. Now, Man's physical body dies and his eternal soul is heading to everlasting damnation. That's the bad news. But the good news is that God had a solution. God came as Man in the person of "Jesus". To pay the ultimate price of death that took the penalty of sin for His Bride, the Elect of God, thus revealing "The Father" in Love, in Grace. "Jesus Christ", God in ...