A man of God is not necessarily a pastor.

A man of God is a man who loves God, knows God, fears God, obeys God, submits to God and lives to please God in word, thought and deed.

Not every titled “pastor” is a man of God.

Some are men of the world or underworld.

Some are men of the flesh and earthly vanity.

Some are men of covetousness and mammon.

Some are even men of the devil, and of the dark.

“Man of God” is not an honorary religious title reserved for an elitist religious cadre.

It is not also a pet name for clerics or clergies.

A man of God may have a regular profession, job, business or other vocation or occupation.

He doesn’t need to be a prophet or seer.

He doesn’t need to be a religious leader.

He doesn’t need to have any religious title.

The reason he is a man of God is that he runs his life from the instructions and information in the word of God. He lives life based on God’s logic, albeit imperfectly but earnestly and genuinely.

He is growing: building spiritual understanding and spiritual capacity from the word of God.

He is loving: graciously serving or freely giving from different spiritual and material resources available to him to help build other people up.

He is forgiving: not holding anything against people who offend or wrong him, for he has personally and practically experienced and understood the forgiveness of God.

But this is not limited to the male gender.

It could be a man or woman who fears God.

The man or woman of God loves God, loves people, shares the gospel, pursues holiness, lives peaceably with all men as much as it lies with them, and does all things as to the Lord.

They are deeply guided and governed by the written word of God and walk in the Spirit.

If you profess to be a “child of God”, are you growing to become a man or woman of God?

Or are you perpetually infantile in the spirit?

If you’re truly “born of the Spirit”, then you will grow in biblical wisdom and spiritual stature to become a mature and maturing person of God. 

A man or woman of God is a person of God.

Grace and peace.


“All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man or woman of God may be fully capable, equipped for every good work.” Ref: 2 Tim 3:16-17





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