Both poverty and wealth can be a blessing or a curse.
Poverty is a curse to some and a blessing to others.
Wealth is a blessing to some and a curse to others.
God knows us and what we need.
He knows our individual capacities to handle different conditions and circumstances.
He won’t give us more than we can chew.
As we progressively align with His will and work in and through us, He helps us with growing and building capacity to chew, in strength and size.
Many times we erroneously and really foolishly think we know ourselves more than God knows us but if we knew what God knows about us, we will thank Him for His great mercy and patience in saving us from ourselves, in saving us from either damaging poverty or destructive wealth, from wrecking fame or wretched obscurity, all according to the riches of His wisdom and love.
We don’t know our own selves as God knows us.
The wise and humble recognize and admit this.
The wise recognize this.
The humble admit this.
The humble are wise.
The wise are humble.
(Image credits: Dreamstime)
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