I hope this helps someone…

Today was yet another character-building day for me.

Today I had a small social interaction that simulated the words of the post’s image in a very vivid manner.

The experience practically drove the lesson home for me. 

It also buttressed a few insights, namely:

1 - Inspite of the growth or maturity acquired, even people who are intentional about their spiritual and psychological growth are still a work in progress in the social dynamics of everyday human interaction. Personally, I do admit I’m still a work in progress.

2 - Being honest and sincere is not enough but is the first step to making genuine progress. Without deep honesty and sincerity of purpose, every endeavor however elaborate or enormous is only a sham. 

3 - One’s primary responsibility isn’t to correct or control others but to correct and control oneself to become authentically exemplary in any area of true interest or advocacy. A person’s main business is to be intentional and consistent in their commitment to personal daily growth, learning and development.

We will make mistakes and fall short from time to time when tested by unwholesome occasions at anger, antagonism, animosity, anxiety or altercations of different sorts, shades, slants and sources in our daily interfacing with a world of equally evolving, similarly or dissimilarly frail, hurting, needy, angry, frustrated, or downright mean, callous and wicked human beings but we can take (or take back) control of our own selves, minds, attitudes, personalities and identities which are congruent with our core values. 

Grace and peace to all who deeply value and authentically choose grace and peace. ❤️🙏

PS: After re-reading the words in the attached image, I’ll like to replace my phrase “longterm reaction” with the phrase “longterm attitude”. Since it’s something we can and should control or create, an informed decision intentionally and intelligently made, then it is not so much a borderless reaction to an incident or event but a deliberate attitude that we birth, nurture and maintain progressively with elevated knowledge or insight and God’s help, per time. Thus, maturing and building godly character.

PPS: Yes, God’s help. This signals the desperate need to spend personal quality time in prayer and deep communication with God. Selah! 🙏🙏





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