There is every need to take due diligence as we trust God in our marriage and parenting plans.

There is great need to have and to show more understanding and empathy to single parents.

Furthermore, there is utmost need to avoid being a single parent as much as one possibly can.

It should be a last resort in extreme cases not the first whim of escape in life’s trying times for the uncommitted or disloyal partner or partners in the sacred and beautiful covenant of marriage.

Never abandon the lifelong covenant at every wind of distress, discouragement or despair.

It has ripple, far-reaching effects. 

Trust God. Be of good courage. 

Stand strong. Be of good hope. 

Let any who has good ears, sound mind and God-fearing heart and living conscience take heed…


May God have mercy on the innocent children…

Who find themselves besieged by the ills and demerits of such unwholesome life situations.

Finally, let me emphasize this: Family is God’s intelligent and innovative invention ab initio. 

A lot of harmony, training, support, correction, relational skills, maturing, cooperation, and useful life skills are learnt and formed there.

A lot of good and bad times, happy and sad times are experiences together.

Never take family for granted.

Never betray family.

Never be envious of family.

Quarrel, disagree, rebuke, get upset with family but never be a “Judas” to your family member. 

Rejoice with family. Enjoy family. 

Laugh out loud with family. 

Help family. Forgive family.

Love, support and care for family. 

And yes, correct family that’s in the wrong.

Support family to do right, grow and improve.

Genuinely, genuinely…

O please be a True Blessing to your family.

In your own perhaps little but sincere way…

Grace and peace to all True Families! 


Post Script: 

Let me add this footnote. 

We can find True Families and True Tribes with True Hearts who desire and do the Will of God. 

Remember the words of the Lord Jesus:

“For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Ref: Matthew 12:50; Mark 3:35; Matthew 7:21-23





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