Dear “Marriage-Ready” Singles,

Come close, listen up. 

If sincerely one of your reasons for wanting to get married is not to take care of someone else, in other words “selfless service to spouse”, then you’re not yet ready. 

Engage more of your own personal growth process so as to embrace more psychological (emotional and mental) maturity that bequeaths the capacity for selfless service.

One should be desiring to have someone they can take care of (we can’t take care of everyone or every kind of person; not everyone needs or can receive the type of care we have to give; and we can’t give what we don’t have - that’s the place of due diligence in sorting and sifting).

Also, one should look out for someone who is equally willing and able to take care of them.

This prevents a one-sided relationship scenario.

A one-sided relationship, like a car with one flat tyre, is bound to be grounded in little or no time.

This also helps to ensure that a healthy balance is pursued so that “marital equilibrium” may be achieved, even if as a longterm mutual goal.

It’s practically tough, even impossible in human strength to honestly possess this pure intention and pursue it as a lifetime commitment but with God’s help secured by sticking to the Scriptures and through the supply of the Spirit, it is doable.

But first, are we assured of His salvation? 

Are we feeding on the Word? 

Are we walking in the Spirit? 

Are we growing in Christlikeness in our personal walk with the Lord? 

Can the Lord truly correct us? 

Do we “hear His voice”, resounding “what is written” to our hearts and consciences?

Have we fully understood and embraced the Gospel of God’s Grace in Christ Jesus?

That’s where it all begins: the death to self and the journey of selfless service and sacrifice.

Beyond marriage, it’s in daily living.

Everyday Christian walk.

May we receive grace always to walk therein.

Amen. To God be the glory.



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