
Showing posts from February, 2022


  THE PURPOSE OF THE EVIL ONE  (Let those who read understand) Judas. For thirty pieces of silver, betrayed his friend. The One who trusted him with private matters. The Man who entrusted his money to him.  Betrayers or traitors are “false friends”. False friends are the WORST kind of enemies. Better a “known foe” than an “uncertain buddy”. Actually for Judas, it was his ‘master’. For many today, it is their sons and daughters. Their brothers and sisters. Their fathers and mothers. Their husbands and wives. Their neighbors and friends. Their bosses and colleagues. Their clients and customers. Their vendors and suppliers. Their domestic staff or guardians. Their guests, hosts or caregivers. Basically, someone close enough to inflict pain. ******* But Judas had his “unique role” to play at the “appointed time”… The “kairos” moment for the “glorification of the Son of Man.” Indeed, EVERY Judas has a PURPOSE in the grand scheme of things, known or unknown. As Satan the “fathe...


A man who is dirty can’t wait to take a bath. A man who is thirsty is eager to have a drink. A man who is hungry desires longingly to eat. This can be a portrait or picture of the gospel. But man is so depraved and dead in sin… That he cannot see or know his real state. He doesn’t know the gravity of iniquity. Thus, he swims carelessly in wickedness… Until God through The Gospel intercepts him. God chose such from the world’s foundation. As the Lamb was slain from time’s beginning. And playback is happening as time is expiring. Yes, it is God in His grace who helps any man… To come to his spiritual senses to see properly… To receive sight and to see his spiritual need. The need for salvation from eternal damnation. A realization that he is dirty, thirsty and hungry. It is God who opens the man’s eyes to see  His totally wretched, depraved and lost condition. And it is God who saves a man from that state. Left to ourselves, we cannot see our depravity. Left to us, we will remain bli...


  (Caveat/Proviso: For TRUE Christians only!) THIS is the word of the LORD… (Selah!) “Wives, SUBMIT to your own husbands, AS TO THE LORD … JUST AS THE CHURCH IS subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands IN EVERYTHING.” “Husbands, LOVE your wives JUST AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her…” THAT is the word of the LORD. (Selah!) ******* The husband who fears God WILL OBEY GOD and love his wife, regardless of what his wife does. The wife who fears God WILL OBEY GOD and submit to her husband, regardless of what her husband does. It’s NOT about man or human beings. It’s about God.  GOD is the LIFE of ALL those who are ALIVE, spiritually speaking. Selah…! Our obedience and allegiance IS TO GOD. We are NOT "fools" or "weak" to be obeying God in the midst of several and severe or dire trials and difficult temptations, and in the harsh and horrific face of societal mockery and public ridicule.  Bu...


  When we see or understand the True Nature and Attributes of The Sovereign, Most High and "Holy, Holy, Holy LORD God Almighty" , YHWH (Yahweh), and  see ourselves in the Perfect Light of His Absolute Holiness, Righteousness, Purity, Truth and Justice, th en we will see how utterly and completely depraved human beings truly are! If you have not seen your wretchedness as a hopeless and helpless sinner, how then can you see your own personal desperate need for salvation, the redemption of your soul from sin and the eternal consequences of sin; a redemption that  has been purchased by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ.  How can you truly appreciate Christ’s great suffering, death, burial and resurrection, h ow can you highly prize eternal salvation above every mundane, material blessing in this temporary life, and h ow can we escape God's wrath and judgment "if we neglect so great salvation" ? Indeed, how and why should you be "saved" when you are not i...


  Just as Christ didn’t die that most gruesome and shameful death on the cross to ‘empower’ sinners to buy and “slay” in fancy dresses, cars or houses but to save His people from their sins... Just as God doesn’t seek our material stuff but seeks our authentic spiritual worship, genuine scriptural fellowship, real personal relationship and true personal commitment to Him and His Word… So also people with genuine and godly love do not connect or co-relate with others for selfish, sinister, sabotaging or suchlike reasons and motives but for genuine and godly reasons.  Do you come to God because of your earthly, temporary needs, for signs and wonders?  Or do you truly seek to know Him through His word and to selflessly surrender to His will? This is the godly challenge to me and to you… Now I see more and more clearly how tragically dangerous false prophets are in the scheme of things and in the sentencing of souls to eternal damnation with all their popular and prevalent go...


THIS IS MY STORY  This is about setting the records straight. This is not intended as a defense for myself. It is not written as a disgruntlement with or disrepute to anyone. It is a one-off, never-before-publicized, tell-it-as-it-is albeit high-level summary of a true-life story, from the horse’s mouth as the idiom goes. I have not been big on sharing private stories of myself or anyone in the public space (although this is limited to an audience of people who have been duly or unduly designated as “friends” on my social media account. This is written in good conscience before God and man. As you should know by now, I’m all for truth, however I respect privacy. And I perceive that this is the set time to speak. Let the facts be put out as a witness… ******* I got married on Saturday the 22nd of November, 2008.  That’s over 13 years ago. I was 28 years then. I am 41 years now (as at February 2022).  My wife (or, ex wife) abandoned me for “greener pastures” in a developed ...