It is VERY important for the believer to "re-calibrate" or renew his mind with the WORD OF GOD because it is with this mind that he processes life's experiences and it is through His Word that God basically speaks to us. His WORD is assured and absolute TRUTH; it is NOT subjective or suggestive.
The danger of an unrenewed mind is that WITHOUT this ongoing, biblical mind renewal or mental re-calibration (this continuous growth in grace and in the knowledge of God, this progressive sanctification by the truth of GOD'S WORD), a person is susceptible to subtle influences and ideologies from society and from Satan which are contrary to Scriptures.
This is one of the major reasons for the rise of several humanistic movements that are more self-driven and self-seeking than Spirit-led and God-pleasing. (NOTE: an anti-God, anti-Truth, anti-Scriptures spirit or ideology is an anti-Christ spirit: the spiritual principle NOT necessarily the physical person).
It therefore behooves TRUE CHRIST FOLLOWERS to diligently reprogram their minds with God's Holy Word IF they sincerely desire to truly understand God's WILL concerning ANY area of life. This they will do IF they truly LOVE GOD and seek to PLEASE HIM.
Grace to us all. Amen.
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