Many professed preachers and pastors are NOT genuinely born again. 

Read my lips: JESUS is NOT in them. 

Many are servants of mammon and satan. They may have charisma, talking prowess, organisational ability and some theological learning but they do NOT know the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Do NOT be surprised or shocked and do NOT sleep on now. We're in the last days. See the signs all over the world. It's getting VERY close to THE END OF ALL THINGS. 

Watch. Pray. Please discipline yourself to do this, beloved. Please do.

Many false preachers have mega centres of commercialized religion which are hugely successful in the eyes of the world and thus tempting, enticing or convincing to the carnal mind (and its senses), which has unbridled appetite for such vanities. 

God will bless His own in the right way NOT through unrighteousness and error. He knows our needs. He has made ample provision for our material needs to be well taken care of through the collaboration of His providence and our productivity. 

Stealing or taking unduly and unbiblically (including mandatory tithes and offerings because of your operating costs or overhead as a running corporation with expected turnover and net income) from people in the name of God is great unrighteousness. 

Call it what it is: it is simply business! No problem. Business is good. Business MUST make money to be business. But do NOT call it the Body of Christ, the true Church of the Living GOD. 

Manipulating and controlling people to listen to you as their religious leader more than to the Lord who died for them is great unrighteousness. It is apostasy! 

Many tithe-paying churchgoers are unconverted souls who simply recited a sinner's prayer but are NOT spiritually reborn, do NOT have the Holy Ghost or the holy fear of God.

They are NOT bothered with producing the fruit of the Spirit in all goodness, righteousness and truth. 

They are satisfied with the preaching, prayers, prophecies and promises of a better life of affluence on Earth. 

Generation of vipers, every last one of them! Alien to the true commonwealth of the true spiritual Israel!

I repeat: The Biblical Jesus is NOT in these 'christianized' commercial centres. The authentic Christ is NOT known and glorified there. His ways are alien within that corrupt worldly church system. 

Think SERIOUSLY about this and pray SINCERELY about it!

If you're truly God's child, He will speak to your heart and GUIDE you accordingly as He will also GROW you progressively. 

I have warned you as a responsible and caring friend on social media. My responsibility as one who knows the truth is to tell others who don't. My deed is being done. So help me God.

The real decision is yours. You will make your choice under God. May God grant you help. May you not disregard His help. 


(NB: Please share if you care)


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