Demons are unclean, ungodly or evil SPIRITS who perpetrate the will of their master, Satan, in rebellion against the only true God.
These spirit beings wield significant supernatural influence upon human beings and human experiences.
They work in solo assignments or strategic alliances with other demonic orders or territorial commands.
They also work in and through humans who wittingly or unwittingly give them undue access to their minds and life's situations.
They are extremely subtle, strategic, suggestive and stubborn in their multifaceted operations. Effectively, they may be a thought or counsel away.
They form part of the hellish horde of the Kingdom of Darkness. They are active operatives of the enemy of man's Soul and arch-enemy of man's Source.
Their satanic mission and job description is clear: to kill, steal and destroy. They will go to any lengths to accomplish this, directly or indirectly, in humanity.
However, they largely operate "in the dark", not flaunting themselves as they prefer to stay hidden or discovered, lurking in the shadows of society.
They sheepishly shrink in fear at and dread every form of spiritual "light", truth, knowledge, revelation or exposure of their dark schemes of deceit and destruction. They don't want you to know that they exist, much less to see them coming. Indeed, they are masters in manipulation.
From the corporate boardroom and corridors of political power to the cussed centres of violence and debauchery even to false religious houses and family clusters which are horrid hotspots of hate, crime, war, injustice and strife, these slimy spirits have a field day, unrebuked and unconfined.
Like mosquitoes, they can instigate the total or partial immobilization of spiritual, psychological and physical life through malevolent individual and social afflictions.
But again, like mosquitoes, their power and influence can be easily extinguished by true saints who simply walk in God's Word, are full of the Holy Ghost and exercise their rightful spiritual authority in Christ Jesus.


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