There is a prevalent spirit of greed and covetousness cloaked with "religious zeal without revelation knowledge" of the authentic Christ.
I term it "charismatic covetousness".
This spirit and mindset of covetousness is dangerously deceitful. It is especially tempting in times of economic recession and it is entrenched by the prosperity false gospel.
The Lord Jesus would never promote such. We need to repent and be renewed in spirit and in truth.
I had an experience in 2014 when I received a relatively significant sum of money credited erroneously to my bank account by my employer, erroneously approved by my Line Manager who thought it was one of the allowances due to me at that time, processed by HR Department and paid by the Payroll Department.
I immediately reported to my Line Manager and did the necessary due diligence to reimburse the money ASAP. No delays. No stories. It was later discovered to be a system error.
I make NO bogus claims to sinless perfection but my simple honest thought was this: God forbid that I should greedily take more than is lawfully mine or due to me.
May God help us all. Amen.
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