The work of God's incredible and extraordinary grace is to save utmost sinners from utmost sin; to bring them into love, light and life; to empower them for godliness and holiness. That's TRUE GRACE. It doesn't nurse iniquity; that's wicked deception. Genuine grace leads to heart-felt repentance and Spirit-enabled righteousness. Be spiritually genuine and circumspect. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Spend time in personal prayer and in-depth study of and meditation in the WORD to truly understand the whole counsel and accurate will of God. 

NEVER presume on eternal things. Eternity is FOREVER! 

After this fleeting lifetime, almighty grace expires and there will be no second chances, only exceeding joy or everlasting regret. Eternity is unending. Entertain no presumptions, please. God is true, righteous, just and holy as He is loving, gracious and merciful. We need to live in reverential fear of God. Many people have not yet understood the implications of crossing into Eternity without being right with God. Many people do not understand the complete holiness, justice and righteous judgment of God. Many people do not realize that God's amazing grace has done everything He can do by sending Jesus to die in our place; now anyone and everyone can be saved irrespective of who they are or what they have done. Very sadly, many have really not cried out to or sought God earnestly for soul salvation!

Eternal salvation is available for all through Jesus Christ. We need to realize our hopelessness without Christ. We need to ask Him to save us and receive His finished work on the Cross done on our behalf. We need to believe in Him and trust Him with all our hearts to save us. We need to help others to see their need and receive this free gift too. We need to embrace God's love and grace for us, trusting Him to work in our lives His perfect work of salvation. 

Salvation is completely a supernatural work of God's grace. It is not obtained merely by "repeating a prayer" or "signing a card". You don't tell a person that they are saved. God assures a person that they are saved through the working and witness of His Spirit in their heart. Salvation is a work of the Spirit. It is a work of grace. We need to make sure we have the assurance of God's salvation within us. We need to have this gift of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. We need to seek God for this heartfelt encounter. We need to 'see' Jesus and trust Him in a heartfelt encounter through Holy Spirit-empowered preaching or presentation of the Gospel.

Totally dependent on God's all-sufficient grace, we need to live soberly and godly in the experience of this spiritual reality of our spiritual rebirth and in the light of eternity. 

Let's not deceive ourselves and deceive others too, or allow them to wallow carelessly in self-deception while we pat their backs. Why will you be happy to watch people slide into hell fire, the horrible eternal lake of fire, all because you want to look "nice"? That's not nice; that's nasty and heartless and cruel, and even immoral or criminal, cheering people on, deceitfully and presumptuously, to eternal destruction and damnation. 

Have a conscience today. Help save a soul today. Maybe even your soul?

Help! PLEASE! This is an S.O.S!


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