I once saw a video of lots of human beings under the evil spell of a self-styled, so-called pastor or prophet who remotely controlled them to actually eat grass. Yes you read that right. Incredible! Extremely ridiculous, appalling, barbaric! I refused to re-post such graphic, evil, nauseating and most degrading scene.

This type of nonsense must stop. True servants of God with true power must rise and stop this type of nonsense. Like Simon the sorcerer, he must be shut down! For the sake of souls in clearly severe demonic bondage and oppression. Humans under the power of demonic spell, debased and reduced to animals, all in the name of religion. Who is that wicked manipulating magician in the pulpit? His utter judgment has indeed come! By the Hand of God! 

This serves as a serious warning to frantic miracle seekers, running to churches for power, signs and wonders rather than sitting down to be genuinely born again, seeking God for themselves and learning God's Word with the guidance of the Holy Spirit as well as sound and sincere Word ministers and Bible teachers to know how to rightly access their inheritance in Christ, as God's dearly loved children whom he has already made abundant provisions for. Of course, there's a valid place for the supernatural and the miraculous in corporate worship. Indeed, it's in God's provision for believers as we gather together in spiritual communities to have operations of the Spirit for corporate edification and blessing. As there is a very key place for a personal walk with God. There must be balance.

Countless lives and homes have been destroyed because one person ran into fanatical religion and got trapped by some sort of demonic activity and evil bondage under the guise of "religion". High-control groups are not churches but cults!
This is a great lesson to desperate miracle-seekers to please stop running around like headless chickens, in search of what is not lost because they themselves are lost. 

Test all spirits! Refuse every form of evil manipulation, unhealthy control and witchcraft. Search the Scriptures for yourself to know if what you are told and what is spoken is indeed what is written. Make your own informed decision and be accountable and responsible for it. God gave everyone a will and a mind. He didn't put anyone's brain in another person's head. Think for yourself. Know God for yourself.

Be sincere. Are you sure of your own salvation? Do you have a personal walk with God? Are you filled with the Holy Spirit and with the Word of God? If so, why all the ignorant desperation and seduced craze for external miracle power? Jesus Himself said signs follow those that believe, not vice versa. Be genuinely born again! Repent and acquaint yourself with your Maker.

Know this: To be spiritually lazy and ignorant amounts to spiritual suicide, especially in these evil days of massive deception and economic profiteering.

May Jesus not Satan be glorified in our lives and local assemblies. Amen!


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