It is definitely not a sin to celebrate Christmas, given that it is done with the ascribed meaning of God's love revealed in Christ and it is done in ways that glorify God.

However, the Christ mass or Christ celebration typically and universally commemorated on the 25th of December should not be legislated by the Church or elevated to a Scriptural doctrine because it is not.

The choice remains the believer's as to if, when, why and how to celebrate or not to celebrate.

We must be careful, as instructed by God's Word, not to judge or be judged by what we eat or drink or by what special days we choose to observe or choose not to observe.

If you say it's Jesus that you're celebrating on Christmas, that is sweet, thoughtful, lovely and perhaps honorific to our Lord.

However, here are a few questions I'd ask you to consider in your celebrations:

1. Is it what He wants? Is that how He wants to be honored? Are you really doing it for Him or for yourself? What does He want from us?

2. If you're celebrating Him, why just for one day in the year and not everyday of your life? Is He not more than deserving?

3 How are you celebrating Him? With feasting in excessive food and drink? With worldly funfair and festivity? Is that how best you can honor the Holy Savior and King?

4. Most importantly, are you going to preach the Gospel to win souls for Christ as a crucial part of your commemoration of Christ to give Him fruit for His ultimate sacrifice?


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