The following are questions that I have been curiously asked by some of the people who have read or heard what I write or say, over the years:

“Why are you saying these things?”

“Why are you sharing (biblical but unconventional) truths? 

“Are you a pastor?”

Let me break them down them into different possible thought processes that have generated them:

In other words: 

Who gave you the authority to say these things? 

What (moral, spiritual or positional) right or ranking do you really have to speak publicly about them? 

Are you holy, righteous or anointed enough to say things that obviously challenge (albeit in a non-confrontational way) the religious status quo?

Or, are you just trying to rock the boat?

Are you chasing clout or seeking cheap publicity?

But do you not know or realize that it can ‘spoil market for’ (metaphorical colloquialism for: impede or jeopardize the economic prospects or viability of) many ‘pastors and churches’ and as a matter of fact the entire commercialized religious system?

To begin with, let me give a background to the questions to put them in context and perspective.

Some of these people are able to recognize some truth in what I say. Thank God for them.

But at the same time they are wondering “why” I have to say them or why I am the person (actually, one of the persons) saying them.

They reckon (and rightly so) that I am not one to make trouble or stir up unnecessary controversy.

They have observed I’m not into strife or conflict.

They don’t think I am in the position to say it.

They inwardly opine that it is not my place to talk.

So I consider these questions to be (fundamentally) questions of perplexity, at least in one key instance of interpretation.

Having dissected the questions thus…

Below is my candid and heartfelt response: 

It will be wicked of me to know these things (which I really didn’t know before) and then hide or hoard them from others who may benefit from them.

It is not my place and it is not in my power to get anyone to listen and consider or accept them.

But it is a natural obligation, duty or fruit of love and  informed empathy to at least share them or put them forth in a meaningful way for consideration or evaluation by those to whom it may concern. 

Knowledge bequeaths this responsibility. 

It is the burden of knowledge.

It would be inconsiderate and in fact irresponsible of scriptural truth or wisdom to keep silent while people are groping in ignorance and grappling with the consequences of ignorance.


It is the nature of divine wisdom (the Spirit of God in the heart of those who He has enlightened with His Truth) to cry out, sound a warning or give counsel to those slumbering in danger.

“Wisdom calls out in the street; she makes her voice heard in the public squares.” (Proverbs 1:20)

In another biblical analogy…

It is inappropriate to have light and intentionally withhold it from those who have been tormented, distressed or disillusioned by darkness. 

In the words of Christ: “No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:15)

For more contemporary understanding: No one walks into a dark room, turns on the light switch to power up the lightbulb then goes on to cover the same lightbulb with a blanket or basin.

That’s akin to either mischief or lunacy of sorts.

Let me recapture it this way to further drive home the point: No one walks down a pitch dark alley holding a functional flashlight yet refuses to turn on or use the flashlight.



Light in darkness is unwelcome to those who prefer to be in darkness for reasons best known to them.

Or, I daresay: for causes unknown or indiscernible to them, in real time.

(Not an indictment from me; a statement of fact).


Also, as Christ stated in His conversation with His First Disciples: “A city on a hilltop can’t be hidden.”

A developed or urban area situated on an elevated plane is naturally visible from the foot of plane.

It is readily seen by reason of the planar contrast.

Contrast amplifies objects.

It is a natural phenomenon. 

Physics? OK, if you say so.

The conclusion of my response: 

I’d rather be antagonized for speaking God’s Truth than indicted (by God) for not sharing when it may have helped someone; injuriously withholding it—(in fear or with prejudice?)—to the detriment of others.

Someone might be helped. Who knows?

Even if just ONE soul.

Just as I have been helped by some other people who faithfully and courageously shared the Truth, which in God’s Providence I ‘stumbled’ upon.

(Not really stumbled, though. It was divinely orchestrated. This I believe).


Believe! (As I re-echo from time to time).

And even if not, then as a WITNESS in my lifetime.

To wrap up my relatively comprehensive response:

A probing question I wish to put forth or reiterate the theme: 

What is it that I have been mostly sharing on this social media space all this time, that elicited the thought-provoking questions (previously openly and perhaps currently inwardly) from some of the curious readers and listeners of my writings?

The simple answer to my question: Truth.

Insights into Spiritual (Scriptural) Truth.

It is Truth. And it is said because of Love.

Truth shared from the motive of Godly Love.

Why? To help or serve others. 

Again, as I have also been helped and served.

To God be all of the glory.


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