A fool has said in his heart: “There is no God.”

What does this mean?

Firstly, it does not refer to a professed atheist: that is, one who openly proclaims that there is no God.

No, it refers to one who may publicly acknowledge that there is God yet IN HIS HEART he does not truly recognize and reckon that God really exists.

God is not in their consciousness.

The reality of God does not guide their thoughts and actions, especially how they relate with others.

Secondly, what God? If God exists, what does that exactly means? Which God? Who or what is God?

God is the Ultimate Reference for good and evil.

God is the Perfect Judge of all men and all things.

God is the Invisible Spirit who sees everything—yes, including the secret motives of the hearts of men.

God is not a man that He should lie.

God cannot be mocked. His law firmly stipulates: “whatever a person sows that shall they also reap.”

There is no partiality or prejudice with God. 

He is a good God not a bad being. 

God is just, righteous and true. 

But a fool’s heart does not understand these things.

Thus, a fool walks in a way that violates God’s laws.

Thirdly, a fool may be a churchgoer, a professed believer, even a pastor, elder or religious leader.

Yet in their heart there is no REAL fear of God.

They act without regard to the law of God.

They somehow foolishly think they can outsmart. 

They think their evil intentions are hidden from God.

They think their pride and deceit are unknown to God.

They erroneously feel God is unable to see their hearts.

But it is their hearts that cannot perceive or see God.

Their hearts are dead to the reality of who God is.

Being such a fool is a spiritual condition not an insult.

Finally, a scriptural or spiritual fool is of all men to be pitied no matter how rich or famous they are.

Their spirits are unawakened to the reality of God.

Simply put, they are not born again.

They do not have spiritual life from God.

They are spiritually insensitive to the Most High.

Thus, they do not have spiritual sense or wisdom.

That’s why they are fools before Almighty God.

Indeed, the fool doesn’t understand who God is.

To reiterate and conclude, note the following facts:

The lips of a biblical God-acclaimed fool may say: “There is a God somewhere out there.”

A spiritually ignorant person may claim that they believe in ‘God’. Yet they do not abide by His Law.

Inwardly they reject His just commands.

The truth of the matter is that in their heart of hearts, a fool is not conscious of God, does not know the True God and thus does not fear God.

A fool has said in his heart: there is no God, there is no justice, there is no absolute truth, there is no punishment for sin, there is no forgiveness for sin, there is no need for confession or restitution, there is no everlasting damnation, there is no need to love your neighbor as yourself, there is no real meaning or purpose to life, there is no judgment, there is no retribution, there is no life after death, there is no resurrection to life and resurrection to damnation, there is no Hell, there is no Heaven, there is no Christ who walked the Earth, there is no One watching our every actions, there is no giving of account to God of what we did in our lives, there is no repercussions or reaping of what we sow.

In other words, there is no law, no reality, no reason, no meaning, no absolutes, no divine standards, no wisdom in the Holy Scripture, no truth, no God.

A fool is effectively, spiritually deceived. 

Yet they may think they are wise and may even appear wise in the eyes of the godless world.

A fool is without the wisdom or understanding that comes from God.

A fool is bereft of true knowledge of God.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy God is understanding; but fools despise divine standards or the instructive laws of God”.

Are you a spiritual fool, a scriptural fool? 

A fool according to the Creator of the Earth.

Don’t be! 

Evaluate yourself.

Tell yourself the truth!

The truth according to the Almighty God. 


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