If by “hyper grace” you mean that people who profess to be true (and even spiritually mature) Christians can and should unrestrainedly, justifiably, obstinately and delightfully implement intentional and impenitent wickedness or unrighteousness because “Christ paid for their sins” and “they can’t lose salvation”, then that is a doctrine of devils designed to delude such as they are. 

It may be indicative that the people who buy into or subscribe to this particular idea, philosophy or school of thought are not really saved.

Yes, Christ paid for sins—past, present and future. 

Yes, salvation is eternal, a work of God, and cannot be lost.

But no, God’s child awakened by God’s Spirit does not intentionally and/or impenitently continue to work, promote and celebrate lawlessness and wickedness against God and fellow man just because they can get away with it. 

Not so! 

It is not in the Nature of God (who is Spirit).

Thus, it is not in the (spiritual) nature of God’s children (who are born of God).

So, the “hyper grace” doctrine or theology as I understand it does not give to people the penchant for sin but it takes from them or tones down in them the conviction of sin, undermines the hatred for sin, and removes every form (or most forms) of restraint and repentance from sin.

As it were, it brashly justifies and leaves unpruned the shortfalls of the flesh, comfortably accommodating the residual or remaining sin of our physical nature, thus subtly and gradually silencing the voice of conscience or putting to sleep the consciousness and consecration of spiritual reverence for God and allegiance to His ethical codes and principles, which are critical success parameters for the Spiritually awakened and Scripturally aware (enlightened).

Note that sin is not limited to obvious misconduct or external acts of wrongdoing as it extends to and even emanates from the darkened, deadened and deceitful heart, soul and mindset of fallen humanity outside of Christ.


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