True holiness is a work of Grace.

True regeneration is a work of God.

True sanctification is a work of God.

It is God who foreknows, predestines, calls, justifies and glorifies.

See, true righteousness is not by human effort. Only the righteousness of Christ the Messiah holds true before the Holy, Holy, Holy God!

Thus, by His substitutionary sacrifice and by the wonderful work in His bodily death, burial and resurrection, Christ Jesus imputed to His own (true) righteousness as a gift of divine grace.

“Now being justified by faith, we have peace with God.”

On the contrary side of the divide, the wicked and cursed devil fears and fights true childlike faith. For it is the shield of faith that neutralizes or quenches all of his fiery darts.

Satan the archenemy of God and man lures people to sin, deceiving them to think that he loves or cares about them hence his constant luring and offering of sinful pleasure to them.

This selfsame Satan simply seeks to trap their souls with sin and then turn around to accuse same souls of being unconverted and unable to walk the path of God’s truth and righteousness.

The subtle and seasoned instigator of iniquity discourages, intimidates, scares or sidetracks countless souls to lose heart, abandon or shy away from the journey of soul sanctification, making it appear to be only futile and foolish.

He creates and churns up silly evidence after evidence to prove that it doesn’t pay to walk with God or to love for God, seeking to silence those who dare to love God or believe in God.

Dear True Child of God, as you grow genuinely, you may stumble, fall and make a few blunders that can totally discourage you from continuing to pursue holiness and Satan will surely position people full of mischief, supposed believers and unbelievers alike, to castigate the profession of faith you have made before many witnesses, thus discrediting your conversion or salvation. 

But you must learn to trust God through it all.

“The Lord knows those that are His.”

Let the tyrannical tongues keep wagging and the narcissistic noses be raised in scorn and skepticism, all that does not matter to God.

What matters is if He has truly regenerated you; and that He who began the good work in you will complete it, bringing it to a perfect completion.

Indeed, He will chastise and correct you if you disobey His holy laws. Lest you be condemned with the wicked world of sinful souls.

“For whom the Father loves, He rebukes.”

That’s why He is a true father to all His children. And no one can pluck them out from His hand.

When they go astray, He seeks them out as the good shepherd; even if it means allowing them the prodigal experience of pain for a season to teach them core lessons of separation from the world and consecration or holiness unto Him.

To teach them the dread or danger of sin.

To teach them not to lust after the world.

To teach them the deceitfulness of riches.

To teach them the weakness in mortality.

To teach them the life of true spirituality.

The child of God will also learn not to trust in themselves and their ability to live the Christian life, but to rely totally on the Spirit of Christ.

So many lessons to be taught and learnt. 

These lessons, this growth often takes years.

It is when they are making spiritual progress that the enemy of their souls will then cry foul, bringing up the ashes from their dead past.

The accuser of the believers is the hater of God and of all who venture into godliness. Selah.

That is why Christians must be focused and diligent to know God for themselves, to follow Christ, to feed on His Word and to fellowship with His Spirit on a regular or frequent basis, in order to grow up strong, bearing the fruit of the Spirit in all goodness, righteousness and truth.

That is why they must be quick to repent and retract when they stumble into any known sin.

God is the One who works in His own, both to will and to do His good pleasure. It is Him who prunes His trees of righteousness for greater fruitfulness. It is Him who teaches, guides, comforts and corrects His very own children.

The devil’s only contribution is to disbelieve, distract, discredit, disgrace, and disgust. He has nothing “good” to offer but to go about like a wounded lion on a roar-and-revenge mission.

True regeneration is a work of God.

True righteousness is a gift of God.

True sanctification is a work of God.

True spiritual service is a gift of God.

All these are the work and gift of grace

The grace of the Everlasting True God.

Given to men called into Christ Jesus.

Man therefore cannot boast nor can man give the final verdict on himself or on anyone else: for most surprisingly, most shockingly, “the first shall be last, and the last first”. Selah.

So it is God who foreknows, elects, calls, saves, justifies, sanctifies and glorifies His very own.

Let fallen humans and devils be rendered liars.

And God alone is true. Absolutely true.

To Him be all the praise and glory.





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