Satan is like a sieve that sifts the genuineness of the faith of those who stand out for Christ. He sifts only wheat. The rest are considered tares or trash. Our faith won’t fail in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord!


And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. (NKJV)

Simon, Simon (Peter), listen! Satan has demanded permission to sift [all of] you like grain; (AMP)

Luke 22:31

Then Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not put a hedge [of protection] around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands [and conferred prosperity and happiness upon him], and his possessions have increased in the land. But put forth Your hand now and touch (destroy) all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face.” Then the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, all that Job has is in your power, only do not put your hand on the man himself.” So Satan departed from the presence of the LORD.

Job 1:9-12, AMP


Satan acts like a sieve to sift men and women.

If you dare to follow God, Satan will pressure-test your decision to know if it is genuine because He wants to prove that no human being can follow God, except by the True Spirit of God.

So in as much as you may not like what Satan is doing, he is still being used to check if we are true or false in our claims to love or fear God.

Truth is, if you’re not genuine, he must (I repeat, must) get you. He even trips and temporarily confuses or deceives those who are genuine until they come back to their senses by the mercy of God Almighty who has chosen them for Himself.

Satan is doing a bad work but it is ultimately a good work albeit in a bad way; for “all things work together for good to them that love God and are the called according to His purpose.”

The best thing you will do for yourself is to be genuine and entrust yourself to God’s mercy.

God has the final say and the full authority.

Satan is just a reverse-errand or dirty-job servant who is good, very good, at his job.

So, don’t mess with him and don’t let him mess with your head. He doesn’t show mercy.  

He may use you to betray your friend or loved one but he will also betray and destroy you big time.

He will sweet talk and seduce you into believing that he’s got your interest at heart or that he’s got you covered but he is despising you behind your back and is waiting to destroy you without mercy.

Who do you think suggested to Judas that he should kill himself, after using him to betray his master and friend? Your guess is a good as mine.

He hates all of humanity, including those who he has promised or given fame, wealth or power.

His ultimate plan for them is total destruction!

Why? He knows his end. It is terrible, horrible, totally and utterly horrible and terrible for him.

He doesn’t want to go there alone but wants to take as much as he can with him, of those whom God loves, you and me. 

“God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Satan doesn’t want you to truly believe in Christ so that the perfect work of Christ can be accrued to you as righteousness!

He will fight anyone who preaches God’s pure truth without hidden agenda to make money!

He will raise up every of his machinery including religious people to doggedly and desperately castigate or crucify true messengers of Christ.

He knows Christ is the only Way, Truth and Life so he will do everything and anything (written and unwritten, spoken and unspoken) to silence the true voices pointing to Christ alone! 

He wants to slight and spite the Blood of Christ that was shed so he tries to deceive even the Elect but he is a total failure there!

The Father is Almighty; no one can snatch His very own from His Hands.

As for you, don’t play the devil’s game with him. 

Don’t entertain him even if he is suggesting seeming nice things for your life from someone close to you. 

We must learn to discern. Hey, not to be suspicious! Spiritual discernment is not emotional suspicion. 

The devil uses lack of discernment on one hand (to deceive the undiscerning and thus to mislead multitudes). He also uses lack of trust on the other hand (to deceive the sentimentally suspicious and thus to undermine true unity amongst brethren and loved ones).

We must depend on God to guide us.

That way we can say like Jesus to Peter’s seemingly ‘good’ suggestion: “Get behind me, Satan!”

May we not be sidetracked, blindsided or distracted from the Ultimate Purpose of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. 

Grace to all God’s Elect. 

Amen. Amen.






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