We must own our relationship with God or our walk with God. We don’t need to be ashamed or afraid of the specific work of sanctification or service He has done and is doing in us, be it mighty or messy. Both strengths and shortcomings will bring Him glory as He works in and through us.

We were created for God’s pleasure.

We are His workmanship.

He is working in us so He can work through us.

We don’t need to be ashamed or afraid of the mess He has to take out of our lives to make us more like Him. We can trust Him to do an excellent work of salvation and sanctification.

We are here to please Him, not please people.

Like gold, as we go through the refining fires of sanctification or spiritual growth in readiness or preparation for spiritual service at different levels, the dross has to be taken out of our lives and we must not be ashamed or feign perfection while we are in the process of purification.

We must genuinely humble ourselves and wholeheartedly entrust ourselves to Him.

We may have to endure ridicule and rejection from ignorant and hypocritical minds but those are never our true problem or our real business.

Our focus is the Lord. He is our focus.

Our real problem is sin and self. Our primary business is His work in us and through us.

Yes, we will make mistakes of omission or commission: we may under react or overreact in some instances out of the flesh, but we never intend to disobey or displease God our Savior.

We seek His will ultimately, and trust His grace.

We are not here to please or displease anyone.

We are here to love people with the love of God. 

We are not here to pretend in eye-service to anyone or to impress anyone with our growth or gifts.

God forbid. That is sinful, ungodly, God-dishonoring.

We are here to simply serve God by serving people.

We are not here to ridicule or reproach anyone inspite of the mess God is bringing them out of.

Lest they pretend, dishonestly covering their sins, living in hypocrisy or fake religious appeal.

For to make mockery of anyone’s mess is to make mockery of God for stooping to save such.

Matter of fact, the greater the mess, the greater the praise and glory that accrues to God. Selah.

We are here, in all honesty, sincerity of purpose and accuracy of divine truth, to be all that God purposed and planned for us to be, before the foundation of the world. 

We are here to do His will, as it is written.

O, may God have His way with us. Amen!

Praise and glory to Him forevermore. Amen!





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