Be holy. Don't be legalistic.
Holiness is pure, selfless and lovely. Legalism is complicated, selfish and loveless.
It's the devil that makes holiness unattractive and thus undesirable. God's kind of holiness is beautiful.
Worship God in the beauty of His holiness and receive His grace and Spirit to wholeheartedly love Him and live for Him.
Holiness is beautiful. Holiness is love. Holiness is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
It is only the Holy Spirit that can make us holy not the Law and not our religious rules and regulations.
The fallen self in humanity cannot be holy only the life-giving Spirit within God's true sons.
Be holy not as religious folks are holy but as God is holy. True holiness is the God-kind of holiness.
It is by the Spirit not of the flesh. It is a supernatural work of God's never-failing grace.
Make Jesus your authentic holiness model.
HOLINESS is the highest attribute of God, even more so than LOVE.
The angels in Heaven cry out "HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the LORD God Almighty!" whenever they look at God on His luminous, great Throne.
The Spirit of God, sent to dwell within and help the children of God, is the HOLY Spirit.
God's Word says Righteousness is the foundation of God's everlasting Throne.
God clearly commands us to LOVE Him and Humanity; love being an action.
He, however, commands us to BE holy as He is holy; holiness being, first and foremost, a core nature, which consequently produces the fruit of righteousness.
This is the type of righteousness which exceeds that of the Pharisees or religious people.
The spiritual image of God is holy. The Christ-likeness of God is righteous.


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