I am the Light of the world.
If you follow me, you won’t be stumbling
through the darkness, because you will have
the light that leads to life.
(John 8: 12)

The One who is the True Light,
who gives light to everyone,
was going to come into the world.
(John 1: 9)
When we talk about true vision, what do we mean? And how do we know if we possess true vision?

When Man fell in Eden, he lost true vision and began to see his nakedness. Notice the vital question God asked Adam: “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten the fruit I commanded you not to eat?” (Genesis 3: 11)

God was saying that Adam had either been deceived to believe the wrong thing, or he had lost his true vision, that is, his perception of or capacity for truth. He had begun to see things he should never be seeing or see things in a wrong way.

In other words, Adam was no longer seeing what God wanted him to see. He no longer saw from God’s perspective. He was no longer on the same page with God.

Note that God didn’t ask him, “How come you are now naked? Who made you naked? How did you become naked?”

Instead, He asked him, “Who told you that you were naked? You didn’t have that knowledge all this while, and you really should not, because that’s the wrong kind of knowledge? It appears someone has deceived you into believing you’re not beautiful as I made you. It appears you have lost the true vision of yourself or me and of life generally.”

God was obviously bothered about His wonderfully crafted creature and masterpiece of beauty, glory and honor, the very object of His tremendous love. His inferred lamentation of love goes thus:

“I made you beautiful and glorious. How did you begin to see yourself as naked all of a sudden and why are you ashamed of yourself and afraid of Me, your loving Father and Friend? When I made you, I said you were good, perfect, and beautiful. But now, you’re saying that you are just a naked nobody, you’re hiding away from me in fear, shame and inferiority, and you think you’re not good enough. Who must have told you that, Adam? Who did this to you, my dear son?

You must have disobeyed my initial warning to you and eaten that forbidden fruit? Now you see yourself as naked! Too bad for you, Adam, too bad! You should have listened to me. I am the One who made you. If there’s anyone who truly loves you and who you should really listen to, that’s Me, Adam, that’s Me! See what evil Satan has done to you now. You’ve lost your true vision as I gave it to you. You can longer relate with Me as before because you no longer see things as I do and you no longer think as I think. Now, you’re a threat to My Government instead of being My ambassador to represent Me on Earth, and My administrator to manage my property as I gave you the Commission and Dominion so to do. I can’t really trust you anymore until I fix this damage done to you. You’ll have to leave this garden for now, until I make plans for your restoration.”

With he lost of his true vision or sight, Man lost his freedom to live the great life, fruitful and abundant, as God intended. He lost his capacity for the knowledge of true beauty. He no longer saw himself as beautiful, covered with God’s glory. He became blind to and unaware of his honor and beauty. He lost sight of the beauties and glories of life. He lost the true light and fell into gross darkness. He lost liberty and fell into bondage. He became blind to truth.

It has been said that blindness is not just the inability to see but also the ability to see darkness only. Blindness and darkness are the same in effect. They breed fear and lead to bondage or severe limitation.

Even with good sight, vision remains impaired, in fact useless and ineffective, in darkness. Also, with all the light and no sight, there’s no vision at all.
 You need both – your sight and God’s light to navigate successfully in life. Jesus is the True Light. Your mental and spiritual conditioning, your character and core values, your perception, the state of your heart and mind inform your inner sight. If it’s aligned to God’s Word, it becomes true sight.

True vision occurs at the merging and collaboration of true sight and true light. When we have the seeing capacity for truth in ourselves and we walk in the true light of the revelation knowledge of God’s Word, we have true vision.
True vision is seeing as God sees; seeing through the “eyes of God,” the very “eyes of beauty”. 

True sight ensures true vision. True light enables true vision. Truth and vision bring freedom and empowerment. We need both sight and light to see accurately. 
In his book Born After Midnight, A. W. Tozer explained this concept further:

The coming of knowledge is like the rising of the sun.
But sunrise means nothing to the unseeing eye.
Only the sighted benefit from the light of the sun
...One may have light without sight; he is blind.
Another may have sight without light; he is temporarily blind,
but the coming of light quickly enables him to see.
and it is always day to a man with a lantern—provided he can see....
The gospel is light but only the Spirit can give sight.
When seeking to bring the lost to Christ
we must pray that they may receive the gift of seeing.
And we must put out prayer against that dark spirit,

Now, what did Jesus, the True Light, really come to the Earth to do? Hold on, let the Master speak for himself:

The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.
(Luke 4: 18, NKJV)

Jesus the Light came to restore sight to Man, so Man could be truly free from the bondage, captivity and oppression of spiritual darkness and spiritual blindness—to set Man free to live the beautiful life God planned for him from the Beginning.

Also, He told the people in His days, “I am the light of the world. If you follow Me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” (John 8: 12)

There are so many so-called “lights” today. So many attempting to lead Man “back to God” and trying in their own way to “enlighten” and “illuminate” Man so he can “know who he really is”, “live as he really should” and attain his “higher self”. But they’re still stumbling and groping as in the dark.

Men are still trying to “feel after God” as it were, with their sensual perception or intellectual prowess. But God who is Spirit had concluded not to strive with Man after the Fall because man was “indeed flesh”—his spirit dimension was dead—blind, in darkness and not functional. (Genesis 6: 3) That’s why when the time was right, He sent Jesus to restore Man to true life. 

There’s only one true light … JESUS CHRIST!

He is also called the Word of God (John 1: 1, 14. Revelations 19: 13).

There it was – the true Light
[was then] coming into the world
[the genuine, perfect, steadfast Light]
that illuminates every person.
(John 1: 9, AMP)


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