

My biological father,   Evangelist Christian Chidozie Osonkie , was an ardent lover of God. He was also a great reader and lover of books. In the course of his lifetime, he was involved in evangelism , leadership training and missions .  An intelligent, honest, handsome, loquacious, dark-complexioned, average-height and slender man, he was a retired telecommunications engineer and indeed a strict disciplinarian who was respected by many and perhaps feared by some, especially those who were uncomfortable with his clear-cut or principled approach to work. Born on the 14th of November, 1950, he  passed on Christmas Day, the 25th of December 2015, at about 7pm, at the age of 65 years. (Some of his relatives said he was born in 1949, so it’s 66 years; whichever one it was, it’s fine). I remember the times that we sat down and talked, father to son, and heart to heart, where I was either asking him questions, or apologizing for something wrong I did, or explaining my point of view on someth


  DEAR DAUGHTER, Dress well with dignity.  Don't expose your body indiscriminately.  Stop (consciously or unconsciously) seeking attention with your body.  That's trashy NOT classy.  It’s the way of a morally loose, psychologically damaged or emotionally needy woman. No reasonable man will want to marry that. Playboys will flock around such, like flies around open food, or worse still, open garbage cans. There are evil men out there who will stop at nothing to get in between your thighs.  They'll deceive you into thinking they love and care about you. They’ll tell you all sorts of sweet or silly lies. They'll shower you with gifts and money.  They may make back that money.  But you'll lose something you may never get back.  Your dignity, identity and self worth. It'll hurt you much more to be used by a beastly man and dumped for another chic.  You are beautiful, sweet and fresh.  Do not give dogs access to the great treasures of your heart, soul and body.  Avoid


  I want to talk. Kudos if you can decode this.  We speak to the intelligentsia. Follow the money, as they say. But who’s calling the shots? No blame. No name. Just game. Follow the storyline, if you can. Justice is perfect, still not yet. The Supreme Ruler in His Power. Set the Foundations of His Truth. Laid the Standard by His Wisdom. He called the shots and assigned. Everyone had their specific roles. Long haul; and powers were given. Scripts installed within each heart. Spirits knew it from the beginning. Kingdoms worked for their interests. They wanted to c0n.spire.  Yes sure, they already did. Mantras, mystics and magic. Matches and manipulations. Marriage, career, religion.  Even used the h€ll dust.  Called it the d€vil’s cake.  And plotted to destr0y subtly. They introduced the Nuggets. They used infam0us White Sugar. Slid in through a crack in the wall. Frozen as ice water with the block. They listened and looked. The followed and fiddled. He hid the truth from them. He marred


  Ignorance is really dangerous.  False knowledge is even more dangerous.  False religion (belief in a false God or a false representation of God) and atheism (disbelief in God) are both bothersome, burdensome and very dangerous. Christ said: “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.” He also said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.” Christ not ‘Religion’ is the Truth. False Christs are most dangerous because they pose ans Christ yet are deeply and fundamentally antithetical to the True Christ. False Religion, including false Christianity, doesn’t truly know or follow the True Christ. False Christianity, which is the popular and prevalent version of Christianity, is the worse enemy of the Truly Biblical Christian Faith.  Most of what we call Christianity is not truly in alignment with the True Biblical Christ. You won’t really know or understand this unless and until you do your own honest and heartfelt search or stud


  Stupidity is not a sign of bravery.  To destroy you, an enemy may sometimes play to your warrior or fighter instincts to get you to take or make a miscalculated and unreasonable step or move.  Know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.  Have a ‘ locus standi’  for your actions. Imagine a person quizzically or innocently using the “Are you afraid?” line or the “You are afraid” card to prod and gently move you (perhaps with great skillfulness and subtlety) into an unconscionable position or to take a stupid decision.  They ‘ginger’ or motivate you into trouble.  That’s reverse psychology with fear. They may play or try to appeal to any of your emotions, instincts, or psychological or logical complexes in a way to get you to misstep or overstep or act outside sound judgment.  This may be in the form of a savior complex (overreaching compassion) or a god complex (overextended ego) in you. Salespeople use it to trick you into making a purchase by ideologically suggesting that you’re


  Every unbeliever is possessed by demons. There is no vacuum in life. There is either light or darkness in any given space or territory, albeit in varying degrees. It’s either Christ or Satan that resides in a man. Every human is a vessel of spiritual energy or entity.  A  temple for spiritual habitation. In regeneration, the Spirit of God takes possession of man’s heart or spirit, thus displacing Satan or his demons who were formerly resident in the man. “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6;19-20, NLT) The world of unbelievers is under the domain and deception of the devil. “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” (1 John 5:19) Every unbeliever, although a creature of God, is a child of the devil. They belong to the kingdom o


  God’s Revealed Truth is complete in The Holy Scriptures.   There is no new truth or revelation.  The Holy Spirit only illuminates this “already revealed truth” to our hearts by giving us true spiritual understanding of this spiritual truth.  He also helps us remember or “brings them to our remembrance” (as Christ promised) at the times we need them so we are enabled or empowered to “walk in the Spirit” or “walk in the Light” of Truth.  He helps us in our personal lives to pray, study the Scriptures, deny our ‘self’, take up our ‘cross’, follow Christ, and truly live out “the fruit of the Spirit” with our attitudes and actions on a daily practical basis.  This is how we worship God in Spirit and Truth. Spirituality is in practical everyday living including the little things we do to fellow human beings; not in some strange, abstract or superstitious activity. Grace and peace to all God’s people!