

A beast is an animal, especially a large or dangerous four-footed one. A wild animal. A beast is also a domestic animal, especially a bovine (meaning, relating to cattle) farm animal. Basic dictionary definitions. So, cattle are beasts.  A lion is a beast.  An eagle is a beast. A serpent is a beast.  Yes, a serpent. Let’s talk about that. Especially as Christ used it as some sort of behavioral reference and exemplar for us. He pointedly said: “Be wise as the serpent.” Oops!  “But,” He continued, “be harmless as the dove.” Okies! A serpent is a large snake. A snake, as studied and described by Science (Biology), is a reptile without limbs, voice, external ears, or eyelids, that has only one functional lung, and a long, slender body.  What are some evolutionary traits of the snake?  Stay with me. I know we don’t like snakes. But we are getting somewhere.  We’re learning something.  Snakes have a keen sense of smell, temperature and touch but generally poor eyesight (except night snakes


  Do we have genuine connections? I’ll give a quick definition of the word supplant. So I can dwell more on the concept of support. To supplant means to take the place of, to displace, to replace or to undermine.  To support is to be actively interested in and concerned for the success of a person or thing, for example: supporting a particular sports team. It also means to provide assistance to, or give approval, comfort, or encouragement to.  It is a product of goodwill and belief in someone or something.  Many of us support different football teams which we gladly and passionately refer to as “our teams”. Observe the enthusiasm, excitement and in some cases excessive zeal or fanaticism with which we promote, defend and celebrate people who do we not personally know, or an enterprise from which we may not even earn a single penny or cent—except for those who are into sports betting.  That’s the power of connection. That’s the power of camaraderie. That’s the power of competition. That


  Here’s something to think deeply and personally about. Without godly love, we are truly and totally empty, spiritually speaking—what Scripture refers to as a “noisy gong” and “clanging cymbal”. “If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” That’s in First Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1. A gong is disk-shaped or saucer-shaped percussion music instrument that produces a resounding tone when struck, usually with a padded or mechanical hammer. A cymbal is also a percussion music instrument that is part of most drum kits. It is simply a metal plate often used in pairs to produce a sharp clashing sound when struck with a drumstick or when dashed together.  Cymbals make a very loud and reverberating sound when hit together as they vibrate for a long time. Sharp. Sonorous. Sustained.  Conspicuous and consistent. Are you getting the analogy? Noisy gong or clanging cymbal refers to a gong or cymbal making discordant s


  “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:8-10) “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13) On the micro level with our limited understanding, we think we chose and accepted Christ by our own making and free will. But on the macro level, if we do an in-depth and thorough study and analysis, we will begin to understand and appreciate the fact that it is not by our own will or power of human choice or our capacity for intelligent choice that we are saved. It is God who intercepted, called and chose us to salvation in His Son.  No human being by themselves is smart enough or strong enough to truly believe the Gospel to the point that they can gladly suffer reproach and even die in honor an


  May I  to focus on a speck in another’s eyes when I have a beam on my own eyes.  So help me God. Christ called such religious people hypocrites. They monitor the personal lives and invade the privacy of others, focusing on other people’s flaws, shortcomings or struggles, whilst they have their own personal issues which may be weightier or of more gravity before the just and righteous God. Christ frowned at it and rebuked it in the Pharisees. It is a grave sin before God.  Judging people harshly whilst being lenient on oneself. Projecting a super spiritual image whilst always finding fault in others. Covering your own shortcomings while probing into, magnifying and misrepresenting the weaknesses of others.  It is a deeply wicked and religious trait, character, quality and personality. The religious spirit is a deadly spirit. It is a satanic stronghold, believe me. It is easier to deliver a sinner than a religious person.  Let me be a sinful human aware of my constant need of Christ ra


  I BORE WITNESS TO THE TRUTH  IN MY LIFETIME AND GENERATION WHEN I LEAVE, MAY IT SPEAK ON FOR THE ELECT SHALL KNOW IT THOSE WHOM GOD GRANTS IT HIS GRACE, HIS TRUTH - AMEN ******* Satan hates me and I know it. But who cares! Not me. No, no! It’s a good thing; I’m happy about it. If Satan likes you, you’re doomed. You are an enemy of the Almighty. THE LORD loves me and I know it.  That is the most important thing!!! ******* Before the ‘war’, ‘wilderness’ and ‘whirlwind’, I spoke the truth as I received of the LORD. After the trinity of trials, I testify of selfsame truth from the LORD. THANK GOD FOR MERCY THANK GOD FOR  GRACE THANK GOD FOR TRUTH Before and after the Cross… Though I testified as prompted I had to go through my process I had to submit to the same word I had to know the truth intimately  I had to come to terms with my own complete human depravity or sinfulness; and receive God’s gracious gift of eternal salvation as a helpless, hopeless wretch that I was. Thank God for des


  I’ll begin this piece of writing with five quotes on friends and friendship. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” (Thomas Aquinas) “There are three things that grow more precious with age; old wood to burn, old books to read, and old friends to enjoy.” (Henry Ford) “Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.” (Anna Deavere Smith) “A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.” (Arnold H. Glasgow) “A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.” (Bernard Meltzer) A true friend is someone who genuinely understands your past (honest history), accepts your present (current condition), and believes in your future (potential possibilities), and is thus truly eager to add beneficial or useful value to your life in their own capacity to enhance or improve your life and wellbeing. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know that they a