I have been instructed, impressed upon to cry out against religious deception and wickedness. Not necessarily that they will stop their deception but that some of their sincerely deceived victims will hear and be warned, and also as a witness before all that these things were said:

I have seen this wickedness in religious organizations.

Prayer topics and prayers sessions have become gossip topics and gossip sessions.

Brothers betraying brothers and sisters betraying sisters

Pastors who are spiritually ignorant and immature leading huge congregations.

The souls of seekers being used to play “inter-church” sports for caricature and recycled exploiting of people.

(Pause and ponder)

The spiritual, social, economic and emotional pains, struggles and challenges of people (either financially, maritally, physically and morally) are used to make gist, make jest, ridicule, confuse, manipulate, enslave and take undue advantage of them.

Conversely, the beneficial and desirable socioeconomic status of people has been used to tie them down hastily with some assigned responsibility before they are able to prayerfully make their own God-guided informed decision.

Sermons have been reduced from expositional teaching on sound doctrine to unbiblical ideologies, materialism, rants, vendetta, showoff, beer parlour talk, small talk and personal opinions.

Pastors feeling entitled to receiving so-called financial "seeds" with excessive greed and without contentment or moderation.

Mammon has become the god of self-professed Christianity (more correctly, the religious arm of the world system).

“Blessings” have been reduced from spiritual resources, heavenly rewards and eternal inheritance to mostly material things.

Some renowned pastors are agents of darkness and servants of Satan, speaking for Satan and leading many people astray.

Some wealthy, influential “MOGs” spearheading cabal-like operations or religious mafia: blacklist, target and with subtlety or stealth harass, sabotage, undermine and basically work against, seeking to shut down, silence, stop, derail and eliminate (through underhanded, covert and even criminal methods) those who are (or were) proclaimers of God's truth.

Inspired utterance.

A witness.


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