The Holy Scripture is inerrant and sufficient.

Inerrant simply means incapable of being wrong.

Sufficient of course means enough or adequate.

To deny the inerrancy of Scripture is to call into question and cast doubt on the God revealed in the Scripture, on Christ who died, rose and is coming back as Judge and King, and on man’s salvation from eternal damnation which is solely based on the Cross and Work of Christ, the Word of God. 

Scripture is either true or the God of the Bible, who is the God of love and righteousness, mercy and justice, grace and truth, revealed by and in the Lord Jesus Christ as “Our Father who is in Heaven” is not real but a fable or figment of man's imagination. 

The Bible is the absolute truth of God. Albeit misunderstood and misused by so many in the false profession and practice of Christian religion for inglorious purposes and transient benefits, the Bible is essentially about the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, who has been graciously gifted through spiritual regeneration the saving faith in “The Messiah” (Yeshua - I Am your Salvation) ie Jesus who shed His sinless blood to ransom or redeem man from the coming great and just wrath of God on the whole world of sinners who, having inherited the sin nature, sin by default being fallen or depraved (“all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory; none is righteous”).

It is really about Christ who saves man from eternal damnation and punishment for man’s rebellion against the holy laws of the Holy God, Maker of Heaven and Earth, the Ultimate Authority, Sovereign LORD. 

It is about God’s redemptive work in Christ on man’s behalf. This is the ultimate purpose and plan of God. This is the real mission of the real Christ. The main agenda of God. This ultimately gives great glory to God for His extremely amazing and immense love, power and wisdom. 

This great salvation is possible only through the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. 

The Spirit of God applies this grace and truth in the heart of such as should be saved, bringing about a new heart, new life or new birth. Thus, bringing the spiritually dead to life, translating them from spiritual darkness into His light. This is the greatest miracle of all miracles. 

This new life produces the fruit of righteousness, godliness, holiness, and love for God and for people especially for fellow believers in Christ who are the Body of Christ, the Flock or Family of God.

This is the Gospel Truth which the Bible documents from Genesis to Revelation, written and spoken through the law and prophets, fulfilled in Jesus Christ and dispersed through His Apostles. 

The Scripture is Spirit-breathed; it is authored by the Spirit of God who moved and inspired men to write it. Then it has been translated into different languages by different people and at different times. The revelation of the true God in the face of Christ is complete in Scripture, which is both inerrant and sufficient, requiring no new revelation but actually totally forbidding it. 

The canon of Scipture has been preserved by God’s providence. We are indeed so blessed to have the Scripture in our very hands today. 

However, the real blessing is to have it in our hearts and minds so that we lovingly obey God’s word, laws and commands to the pleasing of our Father who loves us so much to give us the right to become His children, whose good pleasure it is to give us His Kingdom and righteousness. 

To God be the praise and glory!!!


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