Featured Lesson: 

First mess you should clean up is your mess.


Some lessons I have learnt in this life:

1. People are who they are whether by condition, conditioning or choice; not necessarily who God is pleased that they should be in His good design for them as humans, families, friends or colleagues.

2. Not everyone who says they love you loves you.

3. Being very open and vulnerable to people who are not close to you is embarrassing to them. 

4. Don’t expect certain things from certain people not necessarily because they are bad but because they just don’t have the capacity for such things.

5. An unregenerate heart does not have capacity for agape which is a divine ability or functionality.

6. Only a person who is controlled by the Spirit of Christ can love, give and forgive unconditionally.

7. Know your place in a person’s life, so you don’t assume position in presumption, and know peace.

8. A person who does not take responsibility for their wrong actions cannot change for the better.

9. Many so-called prayer sessions are glorified or disguised complain sessions or gossip sessions.

10. Prayer becomes a mockery to God if we pray to Him about a situation but ignore to obey what He has instructed in Scriptures about the situation.

11. Prayer becomes religious irresponsibility if it is used by people to run from their responsibility. 

12. Prayer doesn’t directly answer everything; we might get a divine inspiration or instruction from prayer which we then need to act upon to get the desired answer; we may also need to pray along the action we know is appropriate to take in given situations: e.g if your child falls really ill, you take them to the hospital even as you pray for them.

13. Everyone needs prayer although some people may have tougher challenges than others due to factors such as location, decision, position, etc.

14. Life is like the game of snakes and ladders: some people will bite you, some will lift you up.

15. Family is not just biological connections but psychological (mental and emotional) unions or bonds: hearts and minds over genes and names.

16. There will always be evil and wicked people in this world but avoid such as much as possible and focus on building strong ties only with the good-hearted and well-intentioned individuals.

17. This present world is not the home of the true child of God and citizen of the Kingdom of God.

18. Don’t pretend to be what you are not just to impress people and don’t be afraid to discover who you are or to evolve into your true identity irrespective of people’s opinions or prejudices.

19. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses; no one is superior or inferior to anyone else; only God knows the true conditions of people’s hearts.

20. First mess you should clean up is your mess.

More lessons:

1. Everyone has their challenges in life but not everyone is honest and vulnerable about them.

2. Being vulnerable is a sign of inner strength and humility; it is not be mistaken for weakness and it is not same as dependency or feeling victimized rather the acknowledgment of one’s limitations, shortcomings or untoward situation and modest request for help or admission of need for help.

3. You do not tell your problems to people who cannot or are not willing to help with solutions, otherwise you will just be a topic for discussion and gossip or even made into a laughing stock.

4. If Satan is not against you, then he is not really threatened by you or you are in his dark camp.

5. If you shield yourself from the consequences of your mistake, you miss the opportunity of letting the pain give you a priceless lesson that money cannot buy: invaluable life experience resource.

6. If God allows an unpleasant event in your life, it will ultimately work for your good and to His glory.

7. The enemy will use people who have access to you to sabotage, scam or scandalize you; beware.

8. The man of insight should not expect everyone to understand life as he does or to have the same perspective and consequent values that he has.

9. The spiritually wise man considers his last day on earth and makes it his very close companion.

10. After all is said and done, the heart or nature of God’s love, and acts done from this, will stand the test of eternal fire, last forever and receive eternal rewards from God; the rest are shriveled chaff.

11. You can’t change anyone, even changing your own self is a very tall order; study people to know them; a good heart is a good heart, a wicked soul is a wicked soul, a liar is a liar, a thief is a thief; so many are crafty and manipulative; if you will be a pure soul, you must evaluate yourself and purify your heart and mind continuously to be guileless.

12. A malevolent opponent or contemptuous contender will use all your vulnerability, real or perceived, sustained or momentary, against you every chance they get to favor, elevate or enrich themselves or just to undermine or discredit you.

13. There is no guarantee that the people you did good to or treated well will be or do same for you.

14. You don’t expect people who you don’t care about or who you have not built a close authentic relationship with to tell you their intimate stories.

15. Strong relationships are not built overnight. They take years of dedication, commitment, honesty, patience, vulnerability and love.

16. It is naive to think that the devil cannot use close friends and relatives against you. Anyone who is not walking in God’s love and truth is a ready tool for the enemy against anyone.

17. False religion is often a coverup for those who do not have an authentic walk with Jesus Christ.

18. False religion is worse than sin: sin defaces man while false religion defaces God. 

19. Many have believed a false gospel and sadly presume that they are saved when they are not.

20. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another. Not if you pray, preach, prophesy, speak in tongues or quote the Bible. But by practical unconditional love of God. Faith without faithful action is void.

Special Bonus:

1. Just because you are going through tough times doesn’t mean that God is not with you or you are not right with Him. Just because things are going well for you doesn’t mean that God is with you or you are right with God. Oh no no no!

2. When a child of God is amidst the wicked and ungodly, as a sheep amongst wolves, he must be as wise as a serpent but as harmless as a dove. 

3. Why did God create His people knowing that we will die and leave this earth? God created His people to be partakers of His divine nature and sharers in His eternal glory. What amazing love!

4. Loving God, loving people, knowing, believing and sharing the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ, building true relationship with God through prayer and Scriptures so as to do His will and please Him are the ultimate desires of God’s genuine people.

5. Don't overdo anything. Be strong. Be stable.


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