
Showing posts from September, 2022


The Church is the Body of Christ. We become members of His Body by being born again not by writing an application letter to be a member or filling out a membership form. If we are truly “in Christ”, then we are members of His Body, which is the True Church of Jesus Christ. Thus, we are partakers of His Life , united in His Spirit , having one Hope , one Faith and one Lord . The True Church is the Body of Christ. True Church Membership is being “in Christ”. One may fill out a form and be recognized as a member of a religious denomination yet not be a true member of the Body of Christ, the Church, if they are not truly in Christ, having been born of the Spirit , regenerated , having spiritual life. There is one Body , one Spirit and one God . Selah. *******  “For just as we have many parts in one body and all the body’s parts do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually parts of one another.” Romans 12:4-5 “Therefore I, the prisoner...


  “Come now, even now!” JESUS IS REAL.  Beyond, dead religion.  Beyond counterfeit Christianity. Beyond the spiritually lifeless systems of men who want and work to appear good to men but do not know how intrinsically unlike Christ (whom they claim to worship or represent) they are. The spiritually dead do not know the way of the Spirit, and no matter how decorated to men are dead to God, no matter how educated yet lack spiritual enlightenment and empowerment or enrichment from the Spirit of the LORD. Religion is hypocritical, manipulative, vengeful, self-driven, man-originated, flesh-motivated, ungracious, cultlike, men-pleasing, spiritually empty, truly false and indeed spiritually dead. Righteousness is true, pure-hearted, genuine, godly, humble, meek, gentle, wholesome, God-pleasing, Spirit-led, gracious, merciful, forgiving, encouraging, real, honest, Christlike, fruitful, selfless, and truly spiritually alive. To God be the glory for His great love! Amen, amen. #sel...


  Truth is life… Just as there is the true Christ and false Christs. Just as there is the true gospel of Jesus Christ and false gospels of earthly glory or doctrines of devils. There is also the true Church (Body of Christ) and false churches (man’s religious systems). Similarly, there is true unity in the Spirit between genuine believers who have spiritual life versus false unity mechanically set up in the flesh by religious men as a ‘unifying’ system.  Every biblical principle has a counterfeit version. Including the core Doctrines God’s Free Grace, Salvation, Justification and Glorification. The Gospel has been, and is being, manipulated for selfish purposes by the two dangerous religious extremes: legalism and libertism. Legalism refers  to false salvation based on human works of any kind. Libertism refers to false grace that justifies and accommodates sinful conduct. Scriptural truth is being twisted and distorted. Don’t be alarmed. Rather be alert. A major sign of t...


  The religious mind says: Shut up, let us be. Who told you it is a different Jesus? As far as we call him “Lord” and sing to him “Lord, Lord”, he will bless us on earth and let us enter Heaven. After all, we “love” him that’s why we sing with our hearts (aka emotions) to him and we confess him with our mouths (aka our mouth confession). Okay. But do you know Him? Do you even want to know Him? Do you read the Bible to know what He likes, what He wants, what He says you should do?  Or you’re only concerned about what He will do for you? Is He your Lord , meaning, you submit to His commands and instructions, and that you are living to please Him in the practical aspects of your life and even in how you relate with others?  Beyond obvious sin, is your heart being purged of selfishness, greed, deceit, pride, envy, bitterness, strife, competition and self-love (aka self-worship). Are you being genuinely, deeply and progressively transformed to the image and likeness of Christ ...


  Yes, light and darkness do not mix. It’s not being divisive; it’s being TRUE. It’s being authentic, honest, sincere.  Without pretense or dissimulation. Not double-faced or double-tongued. Not with double standards or false scales. Which are an abomination to the True God. And are a true definition of unrighteousness. ******* Differing weights and differing measures, Both of them are abominable to the LORD. Prov 20:10 ******* Differing weights are an abomination to the LORD, And a false scale is not good. Prov 20:23 ******* Do not be mismatched with unbelievers; for what do righteousness and lawlessness share together, or what does light have in common with darkness? Or what harmony does Christ have with Belial, or what does a believer share with an unbeliever? Or what agreement does the temple of God have with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, “I WILL DWELL AMONG THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. ...


  “Seek and you shall find.” You find what you look for. You have what you settle for. You want the whole truth, sweet and sour? Or you just want the nice-sounding things? The sugar-coated lies that tickle your ears? Or knowledge of truth that makes you free? Realization of your own total sinful depravity  Which wholeheartedly compels you to look up And call on the name of Jesus your Salvation! Your life. Your choice. Have it as you want. The offer is available but not by compulsion. (In mercy, God makes His people willing… To seek and stomach whole-grain truth. By His grace through faith, we are saved). But don’t seek for the living among the dead. Don’t look for the True Christ in false religion. Don’t seek worldly pursuits in heavenly places. Go to the devil if you want damnation. Come to Christ if you want eternal life. ******* “See, I have placed before you today life and happiness, and death and adversity, in that I am commanding you today to love the LORD your God, to w...


  People who fear men or the devil more than they fear God do not really know God. It’s impossible to know the Almighty GOD and fear man or the devil. No. But the more you know God, the more you love people and the more you love people, the more you say and stand for the truth without fear of man or fear of the devil, and without pride or prejudice, because truth is what can make people free. People who violate the clear biblical instructions of God (e.g. love your neighbor as yourself) yet cower in fear from saying anything that may offend men or the devil reveal clearly that they do not fear God because they don’t know Him. ******* “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a slave above his master. It is enough for the disciple that he may become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they insult the members of his household! “So do not fear them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be reve...


  God is ultimately in charge. The LORD God is Sovereign. I repeat and let it resound. The “I AM” is The Sovereign LORD. Even Satan the fallen archangel… Is God’s Satan. Yes, God’s creature. God’s opponent and Man’s adversary. Yet nothing more than God’s ‘servant’. In reverse-engineered understanding: Ultimately serving God’s Purpose. The LORD God is the Sovereign Lord. To God alone be all the glory! Amen. (The testimony of a witness). #selahsayings #KingdomFirst #LightOfLife PS: Satan the ultimate deceiver and those who he deceived and used to deceive others, all of that deceitful crew have been reserved by God for eternal punishment and damnation. Beware!


  THE MIND IS THE MAN  Can you recognize or perceive, or do you truly understand the psychology (system of thought processes, mental character, characteristics, attitudes and factors governing thought and behavior whether derived from the devil, the flesh or the word of God and forming the way that people operate and want to operate) of your own personality and people you know? There’s a given psychology or mindset which runs and rules this present “world system”. And there is a distinct divine logic and thought pattern or “spirit of the mind” that God works with and through.  These two ”minds” or “spirits” are different and diametrically opposed to each other in their essence, values and motives. ******* And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. NASB And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and cu...


  “Because by nature I’m a sinner.” I’m naughty and nutty by nature. I now know. You are too. Maybe you know, maybe you don’t. But I won’t justify or make excuses for my sin.  Yes, fellow sinners set things up.  Yes, the wicked connived and conspired.  Yes, mischievous masterminds happily or hatefully devised their craft of corruption. But then I had sinful capacity for it. Albeit twisted and corrupted the narrative. Albeit manipulated and falsified the script. All humanity is fallen. Depraved. Wretched. Scripture declares: “All have sinned and have fallen short of God’s glory. There is none righteous. None seeks after God.” “No one comes to Me except the Father draws them to Me,” Christ the Savior revealed. We are all sinners. Period.  We are all damned except as saved by Christ.  That’s the Good news! Anyone who is saved is only “saved by Grace through Faith. It is a gift from God.” Period. It is the Grace of God. To Him be the glory! ******* For by grace...


  A man of God is not necessarily a pastor. A man of God is a man who loves God, knows God, fears God, obeys God, submits to God and lives to please God in word, thought and deed. Not every titled “pastor” is a man of God. Some are men of the world or underworld. Some are men of the flesh and earthly vanity. Some are men of covetousness and mammon. Some are even men of the devil, and of the dark. “Man of God” is not an honorary religious title reserved for an elitist religious cadre. It is not also a pet name for clerics or clergies. A man of God may have a regular profession, job, business or other vocation or occupation. He doesn’t need to be a prophet or seer. He doesn’t need to be a religious leader. He doesn’t need to have any religious title. The reason he is a man of God is that he runs his life from the instructions and information in the word of God. He lives life based on God’s logic, albeit imperfectly but earnestly and genuinely. He is growing: building spiritual unders...