
Showing posts from July, 2022


  Listen and learn this lesson:  What you do to a child, you do to the parent. What you do to a citizen, you do to the country. Referring to responsible parents and countries. Yet there’s weightier wisdom prescribed in the words of Christ published in this post. If the Lord is your Light and Salvation… If the Lord is the Shepherd of your soul… If the Spirit of the Truth is resident in you… He will lead and bring you into all His truth, He will show you His great and mighty things, He will teach and give you His understanding. His true wisdom, not the wisdom of this world. Not the cunning craftiness of the crooked world. So if you don’t understand the words in the image attached  (and you won’t on your own)… Then you know who to turn to. Note, I don’t mean only head knowledge. I mean, the Spirit that makes it ‘alive’ in you. The Life birthed within that glows with Light… Nudging you, reminding you, counseling you, coaching you, correcting you, calming you, helping you, ena...


  The glorious purpose of the Father’s chastisement or correction often revolves around these two Core Components of Christlike Character:  Humility and Holiness. To prevent or prune out pride and perversion, or the potential for these in us, the Father lovingly but firmly cultivates and chastises His sons at every opportunity He needs to do so. See the scriptural citation below that succinctly captures the experience of Paul the apostle for a lesson in humility. “And by reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations--wherefore, that I should not be exalted overmuch, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, that I should not be exalted overmuch.” (2Cor 12:7) ******* This is a great truth to take deep note of. - Humility is paramount.  - Holiness is paramount. They are key requisites for God’s sons. In our struggle with self and sin, God will allow us to go through refining fires, wilderness experiences and stubborn seasons until...


  RE: SINGLE PARENTING  There is every need to take due diligence as we trust God in our marriage and parenting plans. There is great need to have and to show more understanding and empathy to single parents. Furthermore, there is utmost need to avoid being a single parent as much as one possibly can. It should be a last resort in extreme cases not the first whim of escape in life’s trying times for the uncommitted or disloyal partner or partners in the sacred and beautiful covenant of marriage. Never abandon the lifelong covenant at every wind of distress, discouragement or despair. It has ripple, far-reaching effects.  Trust God. Be of good courage.  Stand strong. Be of good hope.  Let any who has good ears, sound mind and God-fearing heart and living conscience take heed… Selah! May God have mercy on the innocent children… Who find themselves besieged by the ills and demerits of such unwholesome life situations. Finally, let me emphasize this: Family is God’s...


  MASTER’S MEMO To Whom It May Concern: 1. THE LORD is still coming soon. He is purifying and perfecting His true bride, the Elect of God. 2. Satan is doing big-time overtime. He is deceiving and destroying this damned world system which is indeed full of wickedness. 3. Eternal Judgment is most certain. There will be rude shocks and reverberating surprises. ===================== “And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.” (Isa 11:3) “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” (1Cor 10:12) “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” (Gal 6:7) “The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear-minded and sober, so that you can pray.” (1Pet 4:7) “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (1Pet 5:8) “And the devil who had d...


  CHARACTER-BUILDING DAYS I hope this helps someone… Today was yet another character-building day for me. Today I had a small social interaction that simulated the words of the post’s image in a very vivid manner. The experience practically drove the lesson home for me.  It also buttressed a few insights, namely: 1 - Inspite of the growth or maturity acquired, even people who are intentional about their spiritual and psychological growth are still a work in progress in the social dynamics of everyday human interaction. Personally, I do admit I’m still a work in progress. 2 - Being honest and sincere is not enough but is the first step to making genuine progress. Without deep honesty and sincerity of purpose, every endeavor however elaborate or enormous is only a sham.  3 - One’s primary responsibility isn’t to correct or control others but to correct and control oneself to become authentically exemplary in any area of true interest or advocacy. A person’s main business is...


Both poverty and wealth can be a blessing or a curse. Poverty is a curse to some and a blessing to others.  Wealth is a blessing to some and a curse to others.  God knows us and what we need.  He knows our individual capacities to handle different conditions and circumstances. He won’t give us more than we can chew. As we progressively align with His will and work in and through us, He helps us with growing and building capacity to chew, in strength and size. Many times we erroneously and really foolishly think we know ourselves more than God knows us but if we knew what God knows about us, we will thank Him for His great mercy and patience in saving us from ourselves, in saving us from either damaging poverty or destructive wealth, from wrecking fame or wretched obscurity, all according to the riches of His wisdom and love. We don’t know our own selves as God knows us. The wise and humble recognize and admit this. The wise recognize this. The humble admit this. The humbl...


  Dear “Marriage-Ready” Singles, Come close, listen up.  If sincerely one of your reasons for wanting to get married is not to take care of someone else, in other words “selfless service to spouse”, then you’re not yet ready.  Engage more of your own personal growth process so as to embrace more psychological (emotional and mental) maturity that bequeaths the capacity for selfless service. One should be desiring to have someone they can take care of (we can’t take care of everyone or every kind of person; not everyone needs or can receive the type of care we have to give; and we can’t give what we don’t have - that’s the place of due diligence in sorting and sifting). Also, one should look out for someone who is equally willing and able to take care of them. This prevents a one-sided relationship scenario. A one-sided relationship, like a car with one flat tyre, is bound to be grounded in little or no time. This also helps to ensure that a healthy balance is pursued so th...


  It takes humility to receive. Excluding cases of greed and covetousness. It takes humility to be honest. Excluding cases of spite, bitterness and revenge. Honest and humble people admit their need for help or support and gratefully receive what is graciously offered to them. Dishonest and arrogant people would rather device crafty or cunning ways, or underhanded means, to deceitfully obtain, by trick or sleight of hand, than humbly ask or graciously receive what is freely offered even without their asking. To reiterate, this post does not apply to those who always feel “entitled”, or who are always expecting or pestering people to give to them. It applies to those who are too full of themselves to be vulnerable even in the face of grace, and who are too haughty and high minded to admit their error, need or insufficiency. The truly humble are truly honest.  The lowly become recipients of God’s Grace. “God’s Kingdom belongs to the poor in spirit.” “The meek shall inherit the E...