Truth told…

Do NOT let anyone deceive you with religious rhetoric, with which they try to take advantage of you because of the challenges of life that you face which is normal to human beings in varying degrees and forms. 

Deceitful folks who don’t know or fear God can use you to “catch cruise”, hiding their own challenges and using your challenges as the topic of their discussions. Everyone has their challenges.

Listen very carefully: Jesus did NOT (I repeat, did NOT) send them to do THAT. They’re doing their own thing and running their own showbiz. Learn the Truth of Christ. Understand the Plan of God for Man. Life is no joke. Everyone was born and will leave; don’t be shocked and don’t be deceived by the illusion that you will always be here. Think of those who have gone. 

Some day, others will think of us this same way, if the end doesn’t come before each one of us leaves. Don’t be afraid. To be afraid means you don’t have the Revelation of Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection. Be sure His Spirit of Truth is in you. Time to stop playing church or religion.

To reiterate, salvation is not the false promises of material prosperity that false religion gives. The Blood of Christ was shed for the atonement of sins not to secure cars, houses and money which unbelievers can have in abundance. Let this be crystal clear. Plus, Satan can perform “signs and wonders”. At least, we have heard truth here.

God bless us all with mercy, grace and truth.





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