Don’t let anyone claim to be your friend when they have not been truly beneficial to you and when their real desire is to usurp and devour. Never trust such hasty claims of presumed or pretend friendships which are really rooted in dishonest, self-centered control or schemes, as those who don’t reverence God or regard people plot the downfall or destruction of fellow humans.

A wise saying puts it succinctly this way: “The worst creature in the world is a false friend.”

With an enemy, one takes precaution. With a false friend, one trustingly gives due access, only to be betrayed and backstabbed. Tragic!

True friendship is built with genuine care and sincerity of purpose in association not faked, fabricated or forged closeness which results in one so-called friend taking undue advantage, with concealed deceit, of the other party.

The heart of the unbelieving person is indeed desperately wicked. In the same vein , the most dangerous folks may actually be the false believers who do NOT love God and fellow humans but are only in religion to manipulate, deceive and fleece people all in God’s name.

God forbid it and we forbid it too. Grace and peace to all who genuinely love God and man.

May we learn and grow to be sincere in our friendships and associations. May we not be cloned and compromised friends to anyone.

May God bless every genuine friend. Amen!


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