If you mis.lead others, you will be dam.ned.
If you’re mis.led by your favorite idols and role models, you are do.omed. No excuses; you were forewarned and you must indeed take personal responsibility for yourself and your soul. Selah!
But all those who mis.lead or off.end, that is, cause others to stumble and sin, will indeed receive the greatest, highest and heaviest co.ndemnation, da.mnation, and de.struction. This is most tra.gic!
Do NOT go about causing people to be weary, off.ended, discouraged, weakened in the faith, vulnerable to Satan’s at.tacks, deceived, or hurt because you cheated or took undue advantage of them and thus they stumbled and fell into SIN of whatever form and frequency. Check yourself.
Do NOT teach anything and call it gospel if it is contrary to the TRUTH as revealed in Scriptures, causing ANYONE to be de.ceived or mis.led by any FA.LSE gospel and FA.LSE doctrines or teachings.
This word is from the LORD JESUS Himself.
And confirmed by His Apostle to the Gentiles.
May the Lord give us more understanding.
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But whoso shall off.end (cause to stumble and sin) one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were dr.owned in the depth of the sea. Matt 18:6
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be acc.ursed (co.ndemned to de.struction)! Gal 1:8
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