I recently read a post that clearly stated this: “The sow-to-prosper gospel is fraud.” 

We live in a day when material success is viewed as the peak of God’s blessings and the goal of every human being. Even a larger percentage of “Christians” have been made to believe MONEY is the greatest thing that can happen to them and is a sign of God’s approval.

We need to see and answer this topical question in the full light of Scriptures, to glean true or accurate scriptural and spiritual understanding. 

The application of the biblical and biological concept of “seed” or “sowing” has been bastardized and mutilated to manipulate lots of people in Africa by merchants of religion for their financial gains. 

In all sense of honesty and truthfulness, religion has become a mechanism or system of organized economic profiteering using the name of God. 

This is not to say Christians or churches should not have money. They should but in the right and honest way, not by peddling false doctrines to arm-twist people who are spiritually ignorant to give. 

Giving is a grace; not a show. It is a natural offshoot of a heart relationship with God, not to be forced upon anyone by anyone else but as one is led or has decided within himself or herself to do.

The simple, universal, and basic scriptural principle is this: “whatsoever a man sows, so shall he reap.” 

This is self-evident in the natural as it applies to farming or agriculture.

This also applies to every action and motivation (motives and intents) of human beings. 

However, greedy and dishonest religion has twisted it to apply mostly to MONEY and sometimes to service that must be given to its OWN system; now that is dishonest and selfish gain.

We need God’s truth as light to dispel the darkness of religious falsehood and error, which many have been bewitched by and thus are enslaved to.

Sadly, many are running a so-called “Christian” race on a false premise of conversion which has its foundation in “be saved so that you will succeed” or “give your life to Christ to enjoy God’s blessings,” aka, material prosperity, because money or physical success is seen as the real and best blessing from God, especially in economically undeveloped regions of the world. Thus, monetary or material acquisition has become the actual goals of that version of salvation and supposed Christian walk. This is false, pathetic, dangerous, and tragic! 

Religious leaders, who take undue advantage of the economic situation of poverty to further impoverish and prey on the gullible, are accountable to God. They know what they’re doing. They don’t fear God. The same principle will work against them: if they sow deception and wickedness, they will reap the harvest of it.

Even if we want to buy or accept anything that is counterfeit, at least it should not be the most important thing such as salvation and faith in Christ, no not counterfeit Christianity, not false salvation and spiritual life based on scriptural error and religious falsehood. 

To answer the question: We give with love from our hearts as to the Lord not just because we seek to double or multiply our money. Our motive must be pure and true in love, faith, and obedience to God. This way, lying, misled or greedy prophets and religionists won’t easily take undue advantage of us by manipulating us to give to them. This way we won’t be discouraged to stop giving and doing good generally to our fellow human beings.

Below is the scriptural citation for accurate context:

“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessings if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” (Gal 6:7-10, NLT)

God bless you.


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