
Showing posts from September, 2017


It is VERY important for the believer to "re-calibrate" or renew his mind with the WORD OF GOD because it is with this mind that he processes life's experiences and it is through His Word that God basically speaks to us. His WORD is assured and absolute TRUTH; it is NOT subjective or suggestive.   The danger of an unrenewed mind is that WITHOUT this ongoing, biblical mind renewal or mental re-calibration (this continuous growth in grace and in the knowledge of God, this progressive sanctification by the truth of GOD'S WORD), a person is susceptible to subtle influences and ideologies from society and from Satan which are contrary to Scriptures.  This is one of the major reasons for the rise of several humanistic movements that are more self-driven and self-seeking than Spirit-led and God-pleasing. (NOTE: an anti-God, anti-Truth, anti-Scriptures spirit or ideology is an anti-Christ spirit: the spiritual principle NOT necessarily the physical person). ...


If you ONLY feel guilt about sexual immorality but do NOT have the conviction of the Spirit over other sins in your life, then you have religion and self-righteousness NOT true holiness and sanctification. A FALSE sense of guilt over sexual sin comes largely from a FALSE perception of SEX that is deeply rooted in a FALSE sense of pietism or a FALSE concept of holiness. That is why a pseudo-religious married couple may even feel guilty after having sex.  They may have either not built an authentic and emotionally intimate relationship or their weak consciences and immature minds have been tainted or inhibited by a rather FALSE sense of religiosity that does not understand the distinction between sex and sexual sin or between sexuality and sexual immorality. Sex is NO sin.  Sexual immorality is sin. Yet, sexual vice, impurity or immorality is sin NOT because of the "sexual" part but because of the "vice", "impurity" or "immorali...


WARNING:  Many professed preachers and pastors are NOT genuinely born again.  Read my lips: JESUS is NOT in them.  Many are servants of mammon and satan. They may have charisma, talking prowess, organisational ability and some theological learning but they do NOT know the Lord Jesus Christ.  Do NOT be surprised or shocked and do NOT sleep on now. We're in the last days. See the signs all over the world. It's getting VERY close to THE END OF ALL THINGS.  Watch. Pray. Please discipline yourself to do this, beloved. Please do. Many false preachers have mega centres of commercialized religion which are hugely successful in the eyes of the world and thus tempting, enticing or convincing to the carnal mind (and its senses), which has unbridled appetite for such vanities.  God will bless His own in the right way NOT through unrighteousness and error. He knows our needs. He has made ample provision for our material needs to be well ...


Why do I speak so much about God and spirituality? Because that's the core and central point of our entire existence: start to finish.  So, this is the gist... I'm a big picture person. I look for the critical factors in any endeavour. I avoid nonessentials and dodge distractions. I strive to stay focused on the main goal and not get lost in transit.  Ever so often, I retreat to the drawing board to touch base with the basics and be sure I'm still on course in the divine agenda and grand vision, or to know if plans and methods have changed.  What shall it profit a man to initially and temporarily gain the whole world of vast possibilities but to eventually lose his precious eternal soul? One thing is sure: his soul is MOST critical.  So, I take care of soul issues FIRST. It has nothing with being sanctimonious or 'spirikoko' just for the sake of it. I've seen a few things in life and I know there's really nothing to this life.  ...